seeds Saving seeds after pods have been in the fridge?

A friend recently told me she had a few bags of ghost peppers in her fridge.  One of her clients brought them to her at work earlier this week, and she she would give me a few.  Would it be possible to save seeds out of pods that have been in the fridge for a few days?  Does temperature of the pod have anything to do with so viability?
Yep, in the fridge is fine. Some people even store their seeds in there. Freezer is also okay, just ask Geeme. She's had a lot of success germing frozen seeds.
If anything the exposure to the colder temps will cause them to germinate faster... Have you ever sliced a tomato or pepper open to find that it is full fo seeds that have already germinated inside the fruit?... Apparently that is caused by the prolonguedexposure to cold the tomatos or peppers undergo during transportation in refridgerated trucks.
compmodder26 said:
Freezer is also okay, just ask Geeme. She's had a lot of success germing frozen seeds.
LOL - Yep! 
The thing to keep in mind is that seeds in the wild get cold and even frozen all the time. Generally, if it happens in nature, you can rest assured it can happen in your garden or in pots. I'd just like to figure out how to change that for the nasties but keep it for the goodies....... 