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Season 2009 JungleRain

Start the drooling! 11 pounds of peppers a day for 21 days is insane! Talk about being green with envy. Congrats!

The picture of the 7 pod Brain Strain looks more like a Trinidad Scorpion to me. Either way I know I'm not eating it. Great season for you JR, way to go.
5kg's a day !!!! :onfire:

Your a busy man then JR. The Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate pod your holding in the picture looks bloody scary to me.

Great to see all the hard work over the season paid off so well.
Absolutely Awesome Grant. What a nice crop, 6 weeks to go in Vic hopefully means a little bit longer here nth of Perth. I got mine in late in 09 but hopefully will still salvage a good harvest. Picking plenty of Orange and red habs and hot paper lanterns but the super hots that I do have are a bit behind.
So many chillis, so little time, the last few weeks my hands, face, eyes....and elsewhere have all been burning...even the wife has taken to sleeping in with the kids :lol:

Today's Pickings

Well, I gotta say, you've knocked my socks off with your pictures. Obviously a very accomplished grower; you've given me something to aspire to.
Congrats Grant. :clap:
Great harvest pics JR, I don't get many 7 Pod with tails like yours either. Glad to see all your hard work pay off. Got any favorites? How about a 7 Pod/Scorpion/Jolokia heat comparison in your opinion.
Thanks for the compliments Guys, It has been great growing alot of new varieties that I haven't grown before and even more fun tasting them...
thanks Cappy, there are so many that I like but I think I'll be growing the Goat pepper, 7pod Brain Strain, T Scorp chocolate and some of the Brazillians again (some of the peppers from Brazil have a fantastic fruity hot taste, like fruit tingles on steroids) just to mention a few also some nice new hybrids I want to try next season also

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Great harvest pics JR, I don't get many 7 Pod with tails like yours either. Glad to see all your hard work pay off. Got any favorites? How about a 7 Pod/Scorpion/Jolokia heat comparison in your opinion.

I'd say around 50% of them have a stinger or at least the beginings of one, I like these pods alot they have a good heat and flavour similar to the scotch bonnet.

FadeToBlack said:
That is completely amazing!

What is in your dirt, I have never seen our Bahamian goat pepper grow stingers ;)