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Second year growing.

All were bought as potting mixes. I added perlite to the mix I bought last year just because I had some on hand. At least I think that's what I bought.

Is there a difference between potting soil and potting mix?
Jacobt said:
Is there a difference between potting soil and potting mix?
"Soil" isn't good for containers because it'll turn into thick, compacted "mud" almost when you water. It'll just soak up the water and hold it, rather than drain, and it's easy to drown/choke out your plants. "Mix" should be light and loose, with plenty of aeration for the roots, and should drain fairly quickly.

I only ask because, my first year using a very fast draining mix (5:1:1), I was getting tons of blossom drop and couldn't figure out why. Turns out I wasn't watering enough. Depending on your mix, that could be just as bad as overwatering.

It's all about striking that perfect balance ;)
I bought a greenhouse. It's the type with green plastic fabric over it. I think this will help keep the humidity up, but I worried it will get too hot. I want to get an additional shade cloth to put over it. I was thinking either black 30% or white 22%. I'm in tucson az for reference. Should I go for a higher percentage.

Most of my plants look like this. This one is in the shade receiving 2 hours morning sun. The others in filtered sun all day seem to be dropping flowers.