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Seed trades etc.

It says no comments etc. where I think this post should go but here is an open post forum...

I'm sick and tired of the GIMME attitude from the seed requests/demands for free seeds these days.
People are offering TRADES,SETTING UP SAID TRADE - BUT as soon as I say I sent my seeds they don't have what we agreed on to trade anymore.

I usually get only some seeds if any that we agreed to trade or never hear from them again.

At least they could give me a reach around-say they got my seeds or whatever even if they never sent seeds to me.

Others offer trades but really want FREE or SOMETIMES SASBE offers most just want me to just send them seeds(at my expense).

Recently people ask me to sell them seeds or send them seeds-nothing to trade.

I get attitudes from them because I DON"T SELL SEEDS and cannot afford sending seeds at my expense.

People see the Lotto for hundreds of seed varieties I did so they think I owe them seeds for free too.

I've recently been called everything from rude to #!$%^%&(%$^# for not sending out SASBE or free seeds.

These same people are buying a gazillion $ pods from other people but can't afford an SASBE.

These same people DEMAND isolated seeds for the mixed/crossed crap going around these days that isn't stable or even close to being what it is supposed to be.
99.9% of all the super hot seed trade seeds I grew last year and this year are not even close to what they are supposed to be.
Most were seeds from pods bought for a gazillion $ a lb. from this site or seeds from vendors that are overnight pepper experts that sell all the new strains...
They usually charge a premium $ and blame their supplier when stuff grows jalapenos or?

People get an attitude when I'm not interested in a NEW so called strain they have seeds for.

But they have no problem bitching that the FREE seeds that I sent them that were not isolated grew a cross.
I gave away a ton of Chaguanas #2 7 pot seeds as did Chris.

They were seeds I got from a trade in Chaguanas a few years ago.
Chris,Beth(Peppermania) are the only people I gave seeds to originally.
Now I'm an A$$ because I gave out oz. of seeds to a LOT of people after harvest and am out now. I tell people to go to Beth to get seeds.

I see all this PAY IT FORWARD crap posted by the guys who have nothing but want all the FREE seeds they can get.
As soon as they get the seeds they want,it's Auction time at $30. +LB. or $1.00 a seed...

I don't know how people like Butch and others still give out seeds for free even after seeing how people turn their good intentions into greed.
Butch sent me ,AT HIS EXPENSE,Scorpion Jonah(Butch T's) and 7 pot Jonahs back in about 2005 or so.
A lot of the guys who loved spreading the heat have been soured by the greed going round these days in the sales of peppers and seeds.

I'm starting to join the old timers and going to not trade or sasbe anymore to the general public.
People are sucking all the fun out of it.
Scotch Bonnet Steve spent a lot of years developing early season varieties of peppers to grow in short season places.
He developed the Demon Hab.,Cherry Moon(giant cherry pepper),Datarillo,Datilaro and many others.
John F and Alan Boatman among others have spread a lot of seeds around from stuff that the general public couldn't find.
It sucks that the love of chile peppers has turned into the love of $$$.

I've got several LBS. of C. Pubescens seeds that I was going to SASBE but after the recent seed pm's I've gotten lately I'm not going to do it here.
I'm sick and tired of thinking I'm spreading the heat when I'm just being used as a sucker.
I feel you Smoke. I'd bet that most of these people are immature kids. The one way I can tell how old someone is on a forum is the way they talk and how much respect they have when they do "Open their mouth" There are the exceptions such as JHR and a few others I've come in contact with. I agree with everything you are saying. There are a lot of people that have no respect for the generosity of others. I'm sorry you've had to go through that. It is a bunch of horse shit. People trading crosses left and right and not letting the other person know. AND getting pure strain hard to come by varieties for them. It just like when anything becomes more popular and you get a wider variety of members. The bigger it gets the more freeloaders and devious minded individuals you get. Don't let it kill any of the spirit for you man. Keep the PMA, just be a little bit more selective. I'm sure it is out of your control if they are PMing you out of the blue. Just report those people and let the boss handle them. He's good at taking out the trash. Don't let them harden you....I would hate to see that. They can't take away your integrity so don't let them break your spirit. We all need to steer clear of these types. I personally don't like just asking for seeds. Unless they are offered first or I have something of worth to trade. It's a great thing you do for people smoke. I'm saddened that these types have started to ruin it for you....don't let them. Vent away my friend. We're all listening :)
The kids are easy to spot.

I wnt free seds fer nothing.
I Heart supr hts. u O me sds.
Snd me spr hts for nothing @ user St.
W$tyeuf GKHg uuutyy6 ....
gf5r k;bkv vcgio.

DRdrD jl[] X vvcdrdr .

They speil bettster tan mees.

It's not just this site.It's the whole $ thing everywhere as far as Chile pods and seeds go.

I get tons of E mails where a person Googled a name and found a 10 yr old post and wants seeds from that grow list I posted.
Guys googling super hot names and giving me crap when I tell them the post was old and IF they have something to trade I might be able to come up with seeds...
$ has taken over these days.
In the old days before super hots became the gold standard,people were into spreading the heat.
My and others, badge of honor was sending out seeds to the chili impaired.
Creating more chile heads.
My trade seeds were donated by several thousand people because I am addicted to spreading the heat to the chile impared.
My trade list is easily over several thousand non isolated varieties and almost as many isolated seeds.

I'm starting to avoid Hot Pepper sites these days.

I get better trades from plain garden sites lately.
People who I send stuff they never heard about that is what they like to eat.
No super hot crap or worlds hottest in general.
They look for peppers that taste great in the heat range they like.
It's a pleasure to turn a bell pepper grower into an heirloom pepper grower.
Most Heirlooms are sweeter and better tasting,grow more prolifically etc.
Ya,some like it hot too but are into growing,not getting rich.
There are a TON of Mom and Pop type growers out there who make a modest living off their plants that are much cooler to trade with etc. than what I come in contact with on pepper sites these days.

I'm just getting burned out on thinking I'm helping some one out only to get crap in return.
There is no need for you to be giving out seeds or sasbe if they are going to treat you like crap, when all your trying to do is be the nice person. Some people don't understand your helping them out! Why should they complain if it's free, at least they are getting some seed rather than none people need to be grateful and realize your going out of your way to help them! Don't let these people get to you for get about those losers!
Lots of the seed hoarders lately. Just like baseball cards, comics or anything else they get attached to for as long as the attention span lasts.

Too many friend request follwed by seed requests..........
smoke,,, you made a chili head out of others and with those i am now becoming one as well....believe it or not.. i could barely eat jalapenos..now i sprinkle powders all over my food... my wife who loves spicy/chili is now happy she has someone she can eat it with


most of these aerogarden babies are from the seeds i got from you... Black BirdsEye X...Unknown multicolor..Glow In the Dark.. and one of your "true" JSB #1 is also catching up... i appreciate everything this site and others like you have done....as for the plants i got from you are doing their best to thrive


small vietnamese

keep spreading the heat smokemaster.. ..sorry though people dont value ones generosity...

You don't understand.
Part of my (and others chile addicts) IS spreading the heat to the chile impaired and or sending out pepper seed varieties that might turn a grower on to different varieties they might not other wise have access to.

Part of the Pleasure of Finding a new variety from Bum FUK Egypt is spreading the seeds around once I grow it out.

Timers have changed.
It used to be there were only 1 or 2 users out of the thousands of people I sent seeds to.(Yes Thousands-I sent easily over 1000 SASBE's last spring from several different sites).
Now it's turned into hardly anyone wants to do anything but get stuff for free that they can sell for big bucks.
People getting free seeds from a lot of people and selling them on Fleabay etc.

I don't know until the person got the seeds I sent as to if I got burned for the trade or if they even appreciated the SASBE.

Lately I get people saying they never got the seeds I sent - in the U.S.A..
I didn't get them in return mail either.
If they were sent outside the U.S. I'd think customs got them,but they send an empty envelope with a declaration in it as to why they kept the seeds.
If postage I sent wasn't enough I'd get them back asking for extra postage...

Top it off,a couple of the guys who said they didn't get the seeds say forget about the ones I sent-send others instead...

Looks to me like they wanted what they already got from me AND want other stuff they didn't get but wanted too.On my dime...

Just getting tired of the games.

I'll NEVER stop doing SASBE offers.I'm just forced to decide who I'll send them to and what sites I'll do them on.
I try not to take it to personal and give everybody the benefit of the doubt. I do keep a list of all transactions and grade them thereafter. If they don’t live up to their end of the bargain there’ll be consequences on future trades. I have been stiffed by some prominent members of the THP. I make sure to tell all my close pepper friends as well. I don’t let it bother me and just move on.

Like you I’m a trader not a seller and try not to cast everyone under the same light as with the few jerks you run into every now and then. I enjoy what I do and find most people are very appreciative and insist on paying their way. I have notice a trend of greed looming out there. You need to use your better judgment!!
I am with you 100% on this smoke...

what pisses me off is to see seed trades between members and then that member trades or sells those seeds to others without even growing them out...that's just not right...

If I see someone's first post on the forum....I need/want seeds (for free)...I ignore them...the least they could do is hang around for a while before asking total strangers for their seeds that took them years (in some cases) to develop/grow out...

I used to be very generous with trades or simply send someone seeds on my dime...no more....
Some have discovered that chiles are machismo and that you can get the uninitiate to pay big money for the day's "hottest chile" seed. This attracts the greedy/dishonest operators like bees to sugar.

Along with the greedy/dishonest come their minions, the young imitators, also hoping somehow to profit from chiles.

You already know most of the people who really have a real interest in chiles: deal with them and not with others.
As a first time grower of superhots, I do understand the desire to get the hottest, coolest color, weirdest shapes, taste, most exotic... chiles.
I'll wait for the SASE offers in the seeds section here, but there are members who do have $$$/business in minds when joining this forum.
They tend to be more aggressive in accquiring their seeds. I think you will have to pick & choose whom to send seeds to.

I'm very appreciative of members here that offer seeds/help me with this addictive hobby.
Lots of the seed hoarders lately. Just like baseball cards, comics or anything else they get attached to for as long as the attention span lasts.
As a very long time gardener and surfer of internet groups, it really pisses me off :censored: to see the good work and generosity of fine THP members being taken advantage of by the "traders", "collectors" and downright greedy bastards :mad: .
I am a NOOB to superhots and am having a WONDERFUL grow this first year. My success is due to the knowledge I have gained from all the THP experts posting here. My special thanks to :clap: MGOLD, AJIJOE and LANMAN for variety selection and SASE seeds.
I have already shared seeds with other members and plan to continue as my harvest comes in :halo: .

Keep your chin up Smokemaster, you have a lot of support !
I don't know if this approach was the "right way",but it's how I got into super hots.
Long story short
Every opportunity I had,I bought either seeds,plants,or pods(or tried to buy,but wasnt allowed to pay for it..LOL). Being new to this.I felt I had to learn before I went full tilt. So I bought,read,and learned all about this new interest.
The way I went about this new interest, may have not been the best way,but I know for the most part,I offered to pay,in hopes that next year , or the end of this years season..I'll have something to give back. Even with me going in this thinking I have to buy to learn,I've still got freebies. I haven't earned jack squat,I'm not owed anything by people here. I'm at the bottom looking up. Observing you all in hopes I learn something. Just by chance,I've been lucky enough to witness the awesomeness of this community,and lucky to have run into the people that I have. Nothing is free,and nothing is owed!
Again this may not be the best approach,or advice.

/end of ramble
Here's an idea to help keep you from getting the shaft. Even if it's for a free trade set a price, say $5 a species, and have the requestee PayPal you the money BEFORE you send out the goods. After you receive what you asked for in return pay them back the original amount. If the trade goes good then you are only out some change for PP. if they "magically" don't get them then at least you got paid. Sucks that it's come to that but.....
I see so often someone new asking for seeds, and then 15 people after that saying, "PM me what you're looking for".
I just want to PM them (the offerers) just to say, hold off for a little while. Just because they're tiny, doesn't make them easy to get.
Like AJ said, I've been burned (not in the good way) too many times. No more.
And my only bit of interjection here would be for anyone to hold off for a little while before offering so hastily.
I didn't read this entire thread so I apologize if some has already said this.
This pepper thing is supposed to be fun, right?

Great thread. I read it this morning before going to work. Needed the day to digest it.

I am very much a noobie here but not a noob at life. I'm a 47 year old general surgeon. I have been appalled at the blatent requests for free seeds from some new members. As was mentioned above, they are probably young, as the younger generation seems to think everything they want should just be handed to them. I should mention that none of these requests have been directed toward me, as I have nothing to offer (at this time). But seeing them post and ask for free stuff is just something I, nor anyone I would hope in my generation would even consider. It just seems so ghetto.

On the flip side, major class points to those who offer seeds to those requests. I probably would never do it, even if I had the seeds to do so. If I had some desirable seeds, I would want someone to at least offer some kind of trade, even if it is lopsided. "OK, send me 5 bell pepper seeds and I'll send you 10 (fill in the blank desirable) seeds. At least that would make them get an envelope, send some cheapie pepper seeds, and have to take it to the post office before they get their request.

When I was a kid I used to mow lawns for money. Even 35 years ago I could afford a couple of packs of seeds (at today's prices) if I was into this back then. I just bought some Primo seeds for $8 (seeds and postage). Kind of the seller to include some Jonah and Impact F1 seeds along with it. Didn't ask, but happy to get it. For $8 they would have enough to plant and a few to trade if they were so inclined.

Today's youth. Our future. Sorry guys, I'll get off my soap box now.
My first experience with sharing burned me too. I sent some purple jalapenos to a noob, like me, who was...in a first post looking for "anything purple because I love purple." I NEVER got the very least courtesy of a thank you in a PM and now the member runs seed trains, and that is why I want nothing to to with the whole "all aboard BS."

I have payed many seeds forward after buying the types I would like to eat/try from several sources. Not all the latest super hots either, as variety is the spice of life. I have also met and supported many "back yard hobby growers" willing to share their pods and I have always been surprised at the generosity. After all, this is why I became a member. To learn, try new peppers, (and other plants), and support the "local" THP community! I have learned to identify those who take pride in their offerings vice those that are looking to cash in.

If calling out the deadbeats were not so controversial, (or could be used as a weapon), I would support naming names to allow the community to police it's own trash.

My half cent. Nothing personal intended. It is what it is.
You just need to sniff out the bad ones. It's pretty easy after a while. At some point, you know all the pitches, games, and othe rmethods. Be like a DEA drug sniffing dog. :) I agree. Things have gotten worse. There still are some great people here though.