seeds Seedlings very wrinkled and stunted

Good morning all! I have a little under half of my seedlings that dont look all that great.  They are very wrinkled and distorted.  Im thinking that it was due to the heat in the greenhouse getting to about 100-110 during the day with fans running.  They are now out in the open on my garden table so no temps above 70-80 now.  Found some aphids on a few of them so they all got hit with neem oil.  Any ideas?

Looks like they are retaining too much water .
I would re-pot and let them dry out .
Maybe cut some more holes in the solo's ?
What type of soil is that - potting soil or starter soil? Also, what are you feeding them and how much and how often? It does look like you have a few things going on with the plants. Those that are yellowing are likely doing so from too much water, as already noted above. Also, the leaf warping could be from a few things. It looks like early signs of fertilizer burn on one hand (if you're using potting soil instead of starter soil at this point, could be that the potting soil's built-in fertilizer is too strong just yet), could be the neem since the plants are so small, but could be early damage caused by the aphids. I'd suggest backing off watering, doing your best to kill off the aphids and see if those steps don't turn things around.
Is that perlite in your cups? See how its brown? Yeah its not supposed to be brown. That means it is way too wet. Let em dry out.

I'm outside putting a tarp over mine every night and taking it off in the morning because the bottom of the sky has been falling out every night. Talking about a couple inches.

Yeah let them.dry out and report back.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Did they look like that before neem? 
Yes they did.
Scorched said:
How often do you water? Many times too much water can cause leaf curl issues as well as some yellowing
Bout once every two days, however, thats when we went through a hot spell and then the temps dropped off.  Going to let them dry out completely this time.
geeme said:
What type of soil is that - potting soil or starter soil? Also, what are you feeding them and how much and how often? It does look like you have a few things going on with the plants. Those that are yellowing are likely doing so from too much water, as already noted above. Also, the leaf warping could be from a few things. It looks like early signs of fertilizer burn on one hand (if you're using potting soil instead of starter soil at this point, could be that the potting soil's built-in fertilizer is too strong just yet), could be the neem since the plants are so small, but could be early damage caused by the aphids. I'd suggest backing off watering, doing your best to kill off the aphids and see if those steps don't turn things around.
i was wondering about that.  It is in fact FF Ocean Forest, so it has a bit of nutes in it.  although only half reacted like this, so im not entirely sure.
robbyjoe01 said:
Looking at your cups I don't see drainage holes on the sides. Peppers don't like wet feet..
There is a 1/2" hole in the bottom of each.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I blame the Mary Jane growing beside it....  :high:
Who is this Mary Jane you speak of???   ;)