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seeds Seeds in a Can

I found these "chillies in a can" at my work at Australian Geographic. They claim to contain Chocolate Habs.



They seem to be growing in some kind of wood shaving/saw dust, and have some cotton wool at the bottom. They obviously contain a plant. as I have one that has sprouted as of today but not enough for me to ascertain what chilli they are. Has anyone used these before, or can vouch for their legit-ness?
It say that on the can as well. But the can also say "the university in mexico confirms they're the hottest", but we sell Bhuts in the same can, which it says that "the Guinness Book of world records has confirmed this as the hottest". Yes, well done, Obviously neither is correct, The standee at work also claims 500 000 SHU's if that helps. I imagine Choc Bhuts are a wee bit hotter than that, but I have literally zero basis for that argument