Hey Friends,

Please help a newbie expand his grow list.

This is my first year with exotic peppers. I've been bitten. Please look at my trade list and see if there is anything you would like to trade for. Of course I'd love to send you a SASBE if you'd like to help me get started.

I'm really interested in:

7Pot (any)
Brain Strain (any)
Trinidad Scorpion (any)
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate
Bhut Jolokia Yellow
Bhut Jolokia (any)
Bih Jolokia
Black Naga
Devil's Tongue
Dorset Naga
Scotch Bonnet (any)
Naga Viper
Douglah (any)
Red Savina

Hey hixs...I forgot to mention, the seed train goes from me to gumbii then you then back to me. lol. Seriously bill...I see you are offering some interesting tomatoes on you trade list, we might work something out.