Should I be worried about these insects?

Saw this one one of the leaves of a choc hab



I've seen a few of them getting around the weeds around the yard. Not exactly sure what they are. This one did not want to be photographed. It took off really quick and evaded the camera as quickly as possible.
I looked these up last year, forget what they are called.  You might crop the image down to just the bug and do an image search through google to see if it brings anything up.
These things used to hang around my cucumber plants. When in doubt, HULK SMASH!
     Those look like Box Elder Bugs. If so, they're harmless. 
filmost said:
These things used to hang around my cucumber plants. When in doubt, HULK SMASH!
     Are you sure you didn't have squash bugs? They look kinda like box elder bugs except they are brownish gray and black instead of red/black. Also, they like cucurbits which would explain their fondness for cucumbers.
     Those look like Box Elder Bugs. If so, they're harmless. 
     Are you sure you didn't have squash bugs? They look kinda like box elder bugs except they are brownish gray and black instead of red/black. Also, they like cucurbits which would explain their fondness for cucumbers.

I had these exact bugs, and I had squash bugs too.