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Shutter Island

Just watched this movie.........and I loved it. I'm a big Martin Scorcese fan and he delivered on this one. Great plot, great suspense, and great ending. Now, I did kind of guess the ending in a way towards the middle/end, but it still didn't take away from it when it finally revealed itself. Anyone else see this ? Let me know your thoughts.
Kinda cheesy like Sixth Sense I like classic Scorsese.
I thought it was a pretty good movie. I think decaprio came along way in his acting career since titanic! He was awesome in The Departed as well. I thought it had a good twist in it.
Yep great film, it was Scorsese's name that pulled me in to watch it.
Many many time better than the usual 90min pap that spewing out of hollywood take note hoillywood!!!!
Ditto on that Pauly...although I DO think they coulda made the ending a little more "complete." I mean, stopping the movie at "the look?" Eh, we can all figure what that was about, but why not SHOW it? I hate it when they dont show what happens afterwards. Oh well.
Went to see Piranha tonight. Its what I THOUGHT it would be. I can tell you this....if you like T&A, this is a MUST see. Surpisingly not terrible though. TONS of gore. Although....they did show the preview for Tron.....
Im surprised that some of you were disappointed.. I mean I suppose you had higher expectations of Scorsese, but if you didnt then maybe you would have enjoyed it more!

I saw it so long ago but I remember really liking it and I actually sat threw the whole thing. I have really bad a.d.d. and it takes a lot for me to like something enough to continue watching when Im really confused bc I cant focus ..

However, has anyone seen "Inception" ? It came out a few weeks ago and again, a really good movie... except 1) Dicaprio playing the same character (a psycho that appears normal) 2)same ending! Just totally ended with so many loose ends.

I mean, I enjoyed it, but it was just not very unique, and the suspenseful parts werent really closed. I suppose theyre planning on doing a sequal, and if not theyre just lame for ended it that way.

I do love psychological thrillers though, whats your fav psych thriller?

xo nicole
It was good. A bit drawn out for my liking. I also liked the ending... kind of like the Sopranos, you like it or you don`t :rofl:
I liked the movie, it was better than I thought it would be.. like SY though, did guess how it would end up about half way through. Enjoyed it a lot!
I liked the movie, it was better than I thought it would be.. like SY though, did guess how it would end up about half way through. Enjoyed it a lot!
However, has anyone seen "Inception" ? It came out a few weeks ago and again, a really good movie... except 1) Dicaprio playing the same character (a psycho that appears normal) 2)same ending! Just totally ended with so many loose ends.

I mean, I enjoyed it, but it was just not very unique, and the suspenseful parts werent really closed. I suppose theyre planning on doing a sequal, and if not theyre just lame for ended it that way.

I liked the ending, I don't really think there are any loose ends. It makes you wonder and question for a little bit, but really, there is only one conclusion that can be drawn from the ending as the correct one.

And how can you say it's not unique? I've certainly never seen any movie like it, and I've seen a ridiculous number of movies.
Great, great movie... I had an intense hatred for Leonardo pre shutter island, despite great performances in 'basketball diaries' etc, but after watching this film I have respect for him on a whole new level.