• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SKULLBIKERS Roaring Into The Twenties GLOG

Tybo said:
How do you keep the rain out of your Kratky buckets?  I have read that some folks say it isn't a problem but I find that not to be true with mine.
I had a pepper outside in a 5 gallon bucket with it's original lid that I drilled a 3" hole in to fit the net cup.  I covered the top with aluminum foil to help prevent light issues and to also reduce the opening where the net cup was.  When we get a day's worth of rain or more, the bucket fills up with rain water.  
How are you keeping rain water out?  
I thought about drilling a hole in the side of the bucket to prevent the water level from raising above the "air roots" and this would help with that issue but the nutrient solution would still be diluted.  I'm sure there is a solution but I haven't come up with a good one yet.
Skullbiker's got his under a greenhousey canopy, which is a great option if you can swing it.  I tried this.  It worked, but I'm not sure it was worth the trouble; I took them off after a few weeks.  I'll be poking holes and inserting Uniseals once my reservoirs get down to where I want them to stay.  If I get rained out and diluted I'll just change out the solution.  No big deal.  Doesn't happen that often where I am.
The Rocotos that I have in containers seem to be growing fairly well. It is about 8 feet to the top of the extension stakes on my cages. Here are a few of the first that were potted up, about the same time as the ones in the dirt/sand which are about 3 1/2 feet tall.
Tybo said:
How do you keep the rain out of your Kratky buckets?  I have read that some folks say it isn't a problem but I find that not to be true with mine.
I had a pepper outside in a 5 gallon bucket with it's original lid that I drilled a 3" hole in to fit the net cup.  I covered the top with aluminum foil to help prevent light issues and to also reduce the opening where the net cup was.  When we get a day's worth of rain or more, the bucket fills up with rain water.  
How are you keeping rain water out?  
I thought about drilling a hole in the side of the bucket to prevent the water level from raising above the "air roots" and this would help with that issue but the nutrient solution would still be diluted.  I'm sure there is a solution but I haven't come up with a good one yet.
Unc is correct, I am currently using an old greenhouse frame with panels only on the roof area. You could make up a simple structure like for shade cloth with pvc or wood with a little pitch on top and just stretch heavy plastic over it. I brought along my portable greenhouse frames when I moved and thats what I will do with them. And, you can throw some light shade cloth right over that.
Uncle_Eccoli said:
What are those octagonal panels made from, SB?
3 of them are cheap paneling that will have to be replaced soon as the inner humidity is causing them to droop already. The one on the front right is what I was using in MN but they got left behind.
It is like corrugated cardboard only made of plastic, mine were all signage like you see along the road or staked out in front of businesses. I need to find more of that down here.
SB?? SumBitch......Thats not nice! [emoji48] [emoji6]
Todays garden walk update.
Pod on Ernest Borg 9 II.

Pics of the Gelbe Riesen Giant Rocoto that I recently potted up.


Some Rocoto Montufar pods about ready to pull.

Flower power on the Rocoto San Isidro.

The Bhut Jalokia Indian Carbon pods just about ready to pull.

Picked a few pods while I was walking around.
Yellow Hots, Numex Jalapeno Orange Spice, Numex Jalapeno Lemon Spice

skullbiker said:
The Rocotos that I have in containers seem to be growing fairly well. It is about 8 feet to the top of the extension stakes on my cages. Here are a few of the first that were potted up, about the same time as the ones in the dirt/sand which are about 3 1/2 feet tall.
Good God that's a tree [emoji50]

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skullbiker said:
Maybe I should give them some of my SUPER ROOT BOOSTER. That should set them in that worthless sand. 
MZ.........???  https://www.mz.com/     ??? WTF
I think Paul meant NZ ;)
Things do grow in sand, just not so well :confused:  I have lots of it here. Nutrient leaching is the main issue, which is why I keep adding to it. Dang it's a slow process...
Also, you can use the 1" thick foam insulation they sell at the big box building supply. It's pretty dang sturdy stuff.
Devv said:
Things do grow in sand, just not so well :confused:  I have lots of it here. Nutrient leaching is the main issue, which is why I keep adding to it. Dang it's a slow process...
Also, you can use the 1" thick foam insulation they sell at the big box building supply. It's pretty dang sturdy stuff.
I amended the sand I had up in MN for ten years, anything you put down was totaly gone in a year. I then transitioned to containers and never looked back. The container plants there were beyond comparison to anything in the sand and amended. And so far here in FL my container plants are doing about twice as good as in MN, with relatively no end to the season(unless we ever get the rare frost here).
Yeah, it seems that the goodies just go down, and the sand stays on top.
What turned my sand around was adding some heavy soil to it. After that, and about 150 yards of reground horse manure, cow manure, and wood chips/leaves.
Containers are certainly less work, AND they work well. But I'm there now so all is good.
I'll be 62 in October, and would never start this chore again if I moved. A younger mans game eh?
Just to make sure we're on the same page: What you do works damn well! Why change?
Uncle_Eccoli said:
Skullbiker's got his under a greenhousey canopy, which is a great option if you can swing it.  I tried this.  It worked, but I'm not sure it was worth the trouble; I took them off after a few weeks.  I'll be poking holes and inserting Uniseals once my reservoirs get down to where I want them to stay.  If I get rained out and diluted I'll just change out the solution.  No big deal.  Doesn't happen that often where I am.
skullbiker said:
Unc is correct, I am currently using an old greenhouse frame with panels only on the roof area. You could make up a simple structure like for shade cloth with pvc or wood with a little pitch on top and just stretch heavy plastic over it. I brought along my portable greenhouse frames when I moved and thats what I will do with them. And, you can throw some light shade cloth right over that.
Thanks for the replies guys.   I didnt realize they were under something.  I think I'll try putting it under the eave of the house this year.  That will stop any downpours unless we have a sideways rain from a storm.   I will have to watch to see if it gets enough light there though.  The sun hits that area from about 8 am till 1 pm.  
Those Rocoto trees look great!  
Picked a few of those pesky Rocotos, and others this afternoon.
On the left: Rocoto Montufar
In the middle, top down: (2)Bhut Jalokia Indian Carbon, (1)Borg 9, (4)Devils Brains
On the right: Equidorian Sweet Rocoto

Seems like about every third container I move to cut grass has one of these giant grubs underneath!
Looks like the Armadillo cannot keep up!

I just got done deseeding the Rocotos and thought I would put up a pic. 
Rocoto Montufar on the left, Equidorian Sweet Rocoto on the right. Nice thick walls and the juice runs when you slice them.

It is just my personal opinion and names are just names but I think the Rocoto Montufar is sweeter and tastes better than the Equidorian Sweet Rocoto.  De stemmed and deseeded I ended up with 1 lb 2 oz of Rocotos tonite.