• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Slashroot's 2012 Pepper Season - Superhots under LED

This will be my first real year of growing peppers. Last year I only had a few types of pepper seeds that I brought with me from China. This year I'm wanting to grow 25 different types if everything goes to plan.

Here is the list:
7 Pot
Aji Amarillo
Bhut Jolokia
Chili Pyramid
Chocolate Habanero
Congo Trinidad
Demon Red
Devils Tongue
Filius Blue
Goats Weed
Scotch Bonnets
Numex Twilight
Peperone Fuego F1 Hybrid
Prarie Fire
Red Habanero
Red Manzo
Ring of Fire
Thai Dragon
Trinidad Scorpion
Tropical Heat
Zimbabwe Bird
Thought I would post some pod pictures. They are all from indoors hydroponic system, some time before greenhouse plants produce ripen peppers.

Not a lot of peppers but I'm satisfied :)


Red Rocoto / Manzano


Congo Trinidad

Red Habanero

7 Pod / Pot
Plants in my greenhouse are finally starting to produce peppers, some time until they ripen though. Been warmer weather lately so they have really picked up the pace.

Congo Trinidad Plants



Inferno F1 Hybrid Plants



Goats Weed


Supposed to be Red Habanero


Pinnochios Nose


Ring of Fire


Been a long time since last update so though I would update my glog with some pictures.

Only thing I've been struggling with lately is thrips, they are everywhere damaging plants. Tried many different things but they just seem to increase in numbers!

Greenhouse from outside the door.

Today's small harvest. Zimbabwe Bird's Eye, Inferno F1 Hybrid, Ring of Fire, Goats Weed and Red Habanero.

Unknown plant, cross between Red Habanero and something else.

This plant is loaded with big pods, bit hard to see though.

Congo Trinidad pods.

Some Red 7 Pods.

Inferno F1 Hybrid.

Here you can see some of the canopy.

Wow plants look amazing and all those pods will bring a great harvest for you. That sucks about thrips you can try these methods http://www.bugspray....cle/thrips.html good luck

That's a great source of information, been searching so much on Google but none as informative as your link. Think I might consider getting some of those products shipped from the states since none are available in my country.

My eggplants and cucumbers are suffering the most, to the point of death. I have so many thrips in the greenhouse, must be in the millions.
Wow, Slash, those greenhouse plants really took off! Looking
great despite the thrips. How's the ant hill doing? The only
thing that would scare me with that is the fact that some ants
farm aphids. Maybe those aren't the type, though. It's amazing how
fast a trillion ants can build up a mound!

TheCongo Trinidad is a real winner in my book; probably one of the
most successful plants I have going as far as early and consistent
pod production. I've only had one ripe one so far, but it was a great
on some kobe beef!

Death to thrips :twisted:
Wow, Slash, those greenhouse plants really took off! Looking
great despite the thrips. How's the ant hill doing? The only
thing that would scare me with that is the fact that some ants
farm aphids. Maybe those aren't the type, though. It's amazing how
fast a trillion ants can build up a mound!

TheCongo Trinidad is a real winner in my book; probably one of the
most successful plants I have going as far as early and consistent
pod production. I've only had one ripe one so far, but it was a great
on some kobe beef!

Death to thrips :twisted:

My DWC plants in the greenhouse has been growing much faster than those in soil. I suspect it's because of the cold soil here, nights can be down to 48F even now during the hottest months. The water reservoir in the DWC seem to hold the temperature a lot longer out through the night.

I bulldozed the ant hill and added some ant poison, that took care of it. Now they are back again but this time there are hundreds of flying ones too. They are orange pee ants and they don't farm aphids. I know all about ants farming aphids from last season, this season I haven't detected any in the greenhouse only thrips. Honestly I would much rather have aphids than thrips, for me they are way more complicated to get rid of.

Both of my Congo Trinidad's has been producing great compared to other plants so there might be something to what your saying.

It's nice that you visit my glong every now and then :) Your glog is so huge that I'm not even able to follow everything that is going on there haha
My DWC plants in the greenhouse has been growing much faster than those in soil. I suspect it's because of the cold soil here, nights can be down to 48F even now during the hottest months. The water reservoir in the DWC seem to hold the temperature a lot longer out through the night.

I bulldozed the ant hill and added some ant poison, that took care of it. Now they are back again but this time there are hundreds of flying ones too. They are orange pee ants and they don't farm aphids. I know all about ants farming aphids from last season, this season I haven't detected any in the greenhouse only thrips. Honestly I would much rather have aphids than thrips, for me they are way more complicated to get rid of.
We used to get thrips in the roses in southern Oregon - they are
intractable little buggers, for sure! Of course we could nuke 'em
since we weren't eating the roses!
Both of my Congo Trinidad's has been producing great compared to other plants so there might be something to what your saying.
I have seen other folk refer to their productivity on the forum.
It's nice that you visit my glong every now and then :) Your glog is so huge that I'm not even able to follow everything that is going on there haha
Don't even worry about it, Slash! The darn thing has taken on a
life of its own! I'm not sure I'd read the whole thing myself :rofl:
if it weren't for the cool replies folks post!
Thought it was about time to add a new post! One of the most exciting things that have happened lately was the Goats Weed plant growing much taller than me, around 6 foot and 6 inches. Now I've cut it down for overwintering, awesomely thick stem. It sure loved dipping it's feet in my hydroponics.

Been busy harvesting loads of peppers, pretty much everyday. Amazed by how crazy the Ring of Fire plants are, they just wont stop pushing pods all the time. Might be too late for them to ripen. What are you guys doing when the plant is producing it's second or third batch right before winter?

Here are just a few pictures!

Trinidad Scorpion producing more ripen pods:

Fatalii in the front and 7 pot in the back, both have yielded pretty good. Actually a Red Habanero plant in between there too lol

Almost more pods than leaves on my Demon Red plant, these give quite a punch when eating.

Interesting looking Pinocchio's Nose peppers, very mild when ripen.

Some of my plants for overwintering, many of them have previously been in hydroponics. Should I cut them back again? They have grown more than I would expect with little or no light.

Aji Amarillo pods, still haven't had any of them ripen. They seem so slow but I'm excited to taste them.