Slow Starters or just Paranoid?

Hi all! 

After successfully growing some cayenne plants I've jumped in at the deep end and planted 15 different types.

The seeds went in on the 27/07 and a week later (03/08) they all had all popped up so I moved them into a spot beside the window. After about a week (10/8), when their first true leaves came in, I split them into their own pots and watered them with a bit of low strength nitrogen. Just over another week has past (17/08), so in total 3 weeks has past since seed.

I get the impression that they are growing slowly and strangely? It could just be that I am overattentive and impatient?
1) Do the true leaves look healthy - they look kinda deformed and curled up to me? 
2) Aren't they pretty small for their age? - or am I just impatient?
I'm in Colombia so the temperature is about 22-26 degrees C all day. 
They will be getting pretty much exactly 12 hours of light a day, 4 of which is direct sunlight. 
The window is open and there is a nice breeze. 
The potting mix is 70% general compost 30% perlite. 
I just gave them a bit of a mist for the first time.
Any advice would be really appreciated :)

i think you mean 27/7 then 3/8, 10/8, 17/8 for dates.
1. They look ok, you didn't need to fertilize them.
2. yeah they are a little slow but they look healthy so i wouldn't be too worried..

take a picture next week and lets compare
Hey - thanks for your reply!

Yeah you are right about the dates ! I've edited the original post. 

So you say they are OK. Humm, I guess I'll wait and see then. 


They would grow faster with more direct sunlight.  This (along with lack of warm enough weather) is a reason many of us start indoor grows under artificial lighting.
Given the nice weather I would go ahead and move them outside permanently, not transplanting yet since they are so small still, but perhaps a few partial days first to harden them off and then put them in a plastic tub or something to shield them a bit from wind till they are larger with thicker stems and ready to transplant.