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seeds Smothered seeds

First time grower here with the superhots. My first batch went into the burpee tray pellets, which had a somewhat subpar germination rate, but they're all doing well. My second batch I decided to use potting soil to see how that would work, and I'm fairly certain it's packed too tight and they're not getting enough oxygen. It's been a week. Has it been long enough to kill them? Is there a good way to loosen things up? The water may have clumped it all up.
I think the temperature is fine, I know that it's only been a week so it could still take a while. I have the seeds on top of my grow light which is on most of the day, and I keep the room fairly warm. I'm just worried the soil is too tight for the seeds to get enough air and push up. I used regular potting soil.
Maybe just exercise some patience :-)

I had a Naga take 3 weeks to germinate.

I use the top of my T5 lights too, however, I measure it. 85°
I had some seeds that took 40 days to germinate this year. The paper towel method works wonders for me. If I ever germinate in soil, I sometimes poke around the soil to see if my seeds have sprouted taproots. Then, I cover them back up (lightly). Yes, impatient I know, but I have yet to kill one with my prodding curiousity.