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So I was at Wal-mart last night and....

hrmm sounds interesting, maybe they figured since people dont like hair in their food, they'd go with the food in their hair angle lol :)
keep your eyes tightly closed when applying and don't forget to use their chili/rosemary shampoo before applying the conditioner - its not available in my area.
Hmm. I've read elsewhere that capsaicin is good for various skin conditions (psoriasis, excema) - might be worth giving it a try if you have any of these on the scalp.
Hmm. I've read elsewhere that capsaicin is good for various skin conditions (psoriasis, excema) - might be worth giving it a try if you have any of these on the scalp.

Just finished grinding up some dried scorpions and Ive got capsaicin on my face right now, cant say that its helping my skin much but it is giving my cheeks a warm glow , lol
It must not have much capsaisin in it because a few days ago, I was washing dishes/equipment used to make hot sauce and salsa and later, I rubbed my eye with the back of my wrist and my eye started burning. I think it was from the capsaisin in the dishwashing water that was on my arm.

I don't think they would market a product that would burn people's faces/eyes/or other sensitive bits with "chile". But it is rather interesting to see how far chiles have gotten into culture and that BigMarketers are realizing the power of the chile.
hrmm sounds interesting, maybe they figured since people dont like hair in their food, they'd go with the food in their hair angle lol :)

Mojo, that angle has been out FOREVER! Avocado, almond, coconut, strawberry, wheat germ (although I think there is some debate as to whether wheat germ is really "food"... :lol: )

you get the idea~~~ :lol:

Maybe they are trying to market to the "fringe/edge" customers. You know, those valuable consumers with black clothing, white faces, skull jewelry and no money.....
not to side track this thread but walmart has started to offer new flavors of chips & nuts (world table, brand) none up to a chileheads spice but still flavorfull.

this might be a local/regional thing but Cub Food's has now started selling bhut jolokia's....well they dont really look like true bhuts, could be some kind of cross with ? kinda spendy too $5 for half pint :eek:

just thought to throw this out there.
@chilehunter: wow, didn't know that. I'll have to hunting around for some of those. I usually just try to make a shopping list & attempt to stick to it...however, I always seem to deviate away from it whenever something shiny catches my eye.