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Some sort of Scotch Bonnet

So I have 5 plants: A thai pepper, habanero, ghost pepper, greek peppers, and some sort of scotch bonnet. I'm trying to figure out what sort of scotch bonnet these are, but the tag only said "Scotch bonnet" with no picture (I bought it was a small plant). There'll be more pictures tomorrow but this' what I have right now. http://s459.beta.photobucket.com/user/scoccerguy15/media/photo-1.jpg.html It's pretty hot, I'd say a 6.5 (I'd rate a habanero a 5, a good jalapeno a 2.5) and never gets past being yellow. Let me know what you think!
its prolly a S.B.
but it looks quite a bit like a BURKINA YELLOW which is consider (loosly) a S.B.
i have grown them in the past good pep
hope this helps

thank your friend Joe
I'm not sure, when I looked those peppers up they all had a pointed base and these are all completely flat on the bottom. The leaves on the plant also look different from the burkina yellow. I'll post a picture from the plant in a little while.
The scotch bonnets: http://s459.beta.photobucket.com/user/scoccerguy15/media/photo-3.jpg.html?sort=3&o=1
Ghost pepper: http://s459.beta.photobucket.com/user/scoccerguy15/media/photo-4.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0
Thai pepper: http://s459.beta.photobucket.com/user/scoccerguy15/media/photo-2.jpg.html?sort=3&o=2
Without seeing the Yellow pods bottom it looks like a Yellow Congo Trinidad.
If it has a SEMI TAIL (for lack of a better description) it could be a True Scotch Bonnet or a hab. type that is called a scotch bonnet.

None look to me like a Bhut Jolokia,naga or whatever...But green pods are hard to tell...

Habs are also hard to tell at times-crosses or whatever.
I don't see a common hab there either.

Greek Pepperoncini (SP) have tons of distorted pod shapes on the same plant.

The 2 long thin pods could easily be a thai pepper of some kind.

I'm assuming the first and third green pod are supposed to be Bhuts and the middle green pod is a hab.
None of the ones on the plate are the ghost pepper haha I put up pictures of the actual plants in my last post. The green pods are greek peppers, the red are thai, and the middle green pepper isn't a habanero it's a greek pepper that grew during cold weather and curled up haha. The ghost pepper, bird's eye, and the questioned scotch bonnet plants are posted in my last post. I also never posted a picture of my habs since they're not mature enough to post haha. Also I just looked up Yellow Congo Trinidad and that looks really close to my pepper, I'll look into those more, thanks!
Yeah the skin's considerably thicker than any habanero I've ever had. I feel like it might be a hybrid but I'm not sure of what haha It definitely has scotch bonnet in it, the yellow congo seems like it'd be a good candidate for the other part of it. It's probably not a pure strain since it's not exactly like anything I've seen when I look up scotch bonnets. They taste GREAT though, my girlfriend hates hot foods but when I made her a salsa with these she forced herself to eat it and now it's her new favorite food

Also I'm not sure what kind of greek peppers they are, they taste good with only a little bit of zing in them, no real spice to speak of. Might save some seeds to try and re-seed in the spring since I couldn't save those plants, they had a tough time with Hurricane Sandy