Something is eating my plants

Could be a few things. Maybe slugs? Go out with a flashlight at night and see if you see any slugs (or bugs) on your plants. If it is slugs you can set up a beer trap. Bury a deep lid or glass jar and pour some beer into it. Don't fill it all the way to the top. You want it far enough down so they fall into the trap trying to get to it. If you fill it up too far they'll just stick their head in, take a drink and crawl away
I had leaves that looked similar to that and couldn't find the culprit. Turned out to be Asiatic garden beetles which only feed at night. They would burrow down in the soil along the edges of my containers and beds during the day and at night would come out and wreak havoc. Dig around the edges of your container and see if you find any beetles hiding there.
Scorched said:
Could be a few things. Maybe slugs? Go out with a flashlight at night and see if you see any slugs (or bugs) on your plants. If it is slugs you can set up a beer trap. Bury a deep lid or glass jar and pour some beer into it. Don't fill it all the way to the top. You want it far enough down so they fall into the trap trying to get to it. If you fill it up too far they'll just stick their head in, take a drink and crawl away
I had leaves that looked similar to that and couldn't find the culprit. Turned out to be Asiatic garden beetles which only feed at night. They would burrow down in the soil along the edges of my containers and beds during the day and at night would come out and wreak havoc. Dig around the edges of your container and see if you find any beetles hiding there.
beer drinking slugs  eh?  my kinda a slugs !  lol     :onfire:
I had the same issue.  Believe it or not it was birds, mostly pigeons.  I solved the problem by putting wooden BBQ skewers around the the edges of the pots so they would stop perching there.
CJR said:
I had the same issue.  Believe it or not it was birds, mostly pigeons.  I solved the problem by putting wooden BBQ skewers around the the edges of the pots so they would stop perching there.
Good tip! I believe birds are vectors for mites too.