By the way - when dealing with cutworms - if you have one that big, generally, there is only one. If it's a hornworm, you've probably lost the whole plant, not just the leaves. But for future reference, here is an easy home remedy:
First, put a ring of crushed egg shells around the base of the plant. About 4-6" diameter should suffice. It hurts worms and snails to crawl across it. Inside of that, put a pile of cornmeal. The worms love cornmeal, but it doesn't love them back. It causes a digestive disorder than usually kills them, or slows them enough for you to discover them.
The cornmeal will also attract some other bugs, but not usually anything that will bother your plants. I generally leave it, and it either composts into the soil, or becomes insect poo.
You can also make a collar out of carboard. For whatever reason, they won't crawl over it. (like a fence) For me, that's not good enough, because I want to kill the bastards, not keep them out. But it WILL save seedlings, so it's good to put up on new plantings.