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something is topping my plants

Something has essentially topped 5 or 6 of my pepper plants by nearly half in my raised bed. It has gone primarily after my shorter plants and left the taller ones alone so far. It has also taken branches off of several others. Yesterday there was no apparent damage. I walked out there this morning and noticed damage to a couple of them. Went to work and when I got home the rest of the damage was done. Anyone have some ideas as to what this might be? There are birds in the bed sometimes picking out worms but they have been doing that since plantout 3 weeks ago with no damage to plants. Some kind of pest maybe? Seems like a lot in one day though. Rabbits or squirrels? Any help is appreciated.
moruga welder said:
how big are/were your plants ? i believe meiny is spot on ! deer     :onfire:
The plants they went after were only like 6 to 8 inches tall. I live in a subdivision and have not seen 1 deer in the neighborhood in the 5+ years I've lived here.
you got a pic. ?
you might want to put some chicken wire around each of them , it might of been rabbits / or the damn birds snip at them going for bugs . must protect your investment my friend . no real loss now they will bush out and be sturdier .    
moruga welder said:
you got a pic. ?

you might want to put some chicken wire around each of them , it might of been rabbits / or the damn birds snip at them going for bugs . must protect your investment my friend . no real loss now they will bush out and be sturdier .    


Sorry for the crappy cell phone pics, but here is a few of them. You are right, definitely gotta protect the investment.  It won't be bushier if nothings left ;) . These plants are in the front yard so don't think the wife will go for chicken wire, maybe there is something else.  Thanks for looking.
D3monic said:
i'd say rabbit but they left more of the plant then the little bastards ever left me. They chewed all my bushes down to the ground, rasberries, blueberries, ornamental.. lots of my garden veggies last year and flowers. Fcking hate rabbits now. 
thats cause they wuv you !   lol funny shit bro ! 
parker49 said:


Sorry for the crappy cell phone pics, but here is a few of them. You are right, definitely gotta protect the investment.  It won't be bushier if nothings left ;) . These plants are in the front yard so don't think the wife will go for chicken wire, maybe there is something else.  Thanks for looking.
mama won't let you put small cages around the plants ? 
I had thought about it being fcking rabbits. I've read blood meal helps keep them away. When I planted out I did put some down. Maybe put some more down?
D3monic said:
i'd say rabbit but they left more of the plant then the little bastards ever left me. They chewed all my bushes down to the ground, rasberries, blueberries, ornamental.. lots of my garden veggies last year and flowers. Fcking hate rabbits now.
I put blood meal down for now and I'll go get a trap tomorrow. What's the best bait for rabbits lettuce or something else?
D3monic said:
Nothing keeps the bastards away, not dogs, hawks, fencing.. they will come
good ol' benjamin / or sheridan b.b. gun will do the trick !  if not make cages out of chicken wire about 1 1/2 tall 
parker49 said:
I put blood meal down for now and I'll go get a trap tomorrow. What's the best bait for rabbits lettuce or something else?
they love apples / and or pears . put some vanilla extract on the trap tray . that really attracts them ! so now if it isn't a rabbit and ends up being birds , you'll have birds and rabbits ! lol sry. couldn't help it 
moruga welder said:
good ol' benjamin / or sheridan b.b. gun will do the trick !  if not make cages out of chicken wire about 1 1/2 tall 
they love apples / and or pears . put some vanilla extract on the trap tray . that really attracts them ! so now if it isn't a rabbit and ends up being birds , you'll have birds and rabbits ! lol sry. couldn't help it
You have all helped I appreciate it.