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SownSeeds 2012 grow season.

Hello all , well its that time of year for us aussies to get the camera out and do some happy snaps, here is my grow list for this coming season.

First thing's first id like to say thanks to a few members from THP for sending me some of there seeds to grow this season.

Jungle Rain - Grant
Saugapepper - Conor
BigCedar - Brandon
Lavatung - Luke
Luigimex - Luigi

Seed List

7 pot Jonah
7 Pot Barrackpore
7 Pot Brainstrain
Antillais Caribbean
Aribibi Gusano
Bahamian Goat pepper
Bhut Jolokia Peach
Bhut Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia Assam
Bhut Jolokia chocolate
Bhut Jolokia chocolate x yellow 7 pot
Bhut Jolokia orange
Bhut Jolokia white
Bhut Jolokia Yellow
Black Naga
Cabe Merah
Devils Tongue Chocolate
Devils Tongue White
Devils Tongue Yellow
Fatalii Chocolate
Fatalii Yellow
Giant White Hananero
Pessego Brasileiro
Pimenta De Neyde
Piri piri
Purple Naga
SB7J Patrick
Scotch Bonnet Big Sun
Scotch Bonnet Yellow
Super Chilli
Texas Tepin
Thai Dragon
Thai Orange
Thai Yellow
Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate
Trinidad Scorpion butch T
Trinidad Scorpion Caramel
Trinidad Scorpion FG Mustard
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Yellow
Trinidad Scorpion Sunrise
Yellow 7 pot

The new heat mat all fired up with some jiffys in , i did try both soil and jiffys and found i got better germ rates with jiffys and it was a few days faster to germinate.


The baby's in an organic soil mix

After looking at how ugly this old shelf looked i went down to the local bunnings to get some wood to make new shelving to match the study furniture .


New matching shelving.

This is a small light i bought for 20 bucks and decided to add a few CFL bulb holders to it and a switch.





Now with the timber frame i made for it the light can slide in any one of the two bottom shelves.

It's all behind schedule but nothing too dramatic. I'm sowing lots of seeds right now.
Good to see your still going at it this season megamoo, just thought id let you know , these guys potting mix works well its what im using this season and it seems to be going good so far ,

Its like 10 bucks per bag for there organic potting mix but well worth it even for all the baby's.

Nice plants, whatever you're feeding them its working!

I love the big fat leaves they get under lights. When you move them out into the sun its so intense they don't need as much leaf area and grow smaller ones. Thats my theory anyway :P
Looks great Todd! Can't wait to see pods on that TS Caramel.
Same here Conor , im hoping they turn out close to the pic that grant posed of them.

Nice plants, whatever you're feeding them its working!

I love the big fat leaves they get under lights. When you move them out into the sun its so intense they don't need as much leaf area and grow smaller ones. Thats my theory anyway :P
Hi Moo , yeh you right they always seen to be smaller leaves out in full sunlight and i found with last years plants the ones i had down the side of the house that only got the morning sun stayed alot greener and put out 3 times the pods and the ones that were in full harsh aussie sun all day didnt grow as big and struggled , so im going for the part afternoon shade this season .
Ok here is a few update pics of some of the seedlings spending there first day sun hardening.

A few scorpions.



This is a bench i made so i can sun harden the seedlings without my dogs destroying them , i made this with mostly stuff i got for free from building sites , the only thing i payed for was the black polly pipe and screws, the bread crates
lift in and out and i will cover it with shade cloth .
It worked a treat for me last season i just left them under shade cloth all day and lifted the cloth back for 15 min for the first day them increased the time every day .


Nice glog Todd! You're plants look wicked. I love the bench mate. You've inspired me to knock something together. I'll be following this glog for sure.
Nice glog Todd! You're plants look wicked. I love the bench mate. You've inspired me to knock something together. I'll be following this glog for sure.
Thanks mate , i just finished it today , i also made a bottom shelf , it will be going against the back of the house so its out of the wind , i find it easy to sun harden with shade cloth , and the cloth stops the wind from being so harsh.

I will post some more pics , im thinking of giving it a coat of paint so it lasts a few seasons.
Go the ryobi drill. I used them as disposable drills. Id buy two new ones each year. 3 years ago I bought 2 makitas instead, They are still going strong.
Go the ryobi drill. I used them as disposable drills. Id buy two new ones each year. 3 years ago I bought 2 makitas instead, They are still going strong.
Hi mate , see that makita drill on the foor , well i bought that 24 years ago when i started my cabinet making trade , and still going strong , i worked as a caby for 9 years and that drill has taken a beating , most of my tools are makita, they are unbreakable.
The ryobi is about 2 years old and still going.
Oh I didn't see that ol rig on the floor. I got one just like that. Pinched it off my ol boy I think lol.

Cabinet maker huh. I'm a glazier by trade, efen hate it. Wish I could grow plants for a living.
Todd your plants have gotten huge since the last time I checked! Way to grow man. my naga purples looked identical to yours at that age. Big ol purple leaves on em. I'm loving the hardening off bench, can't go wrong using shade cloth either. Lookin good buddy, keep up the good work.
Todd your plants have gotten huge since the last time I checked! Way to grow man. my naga purples looked identical to yours at that age. Big ol purple leaves on em. I'm loving the hardening off bench, can't go wrong using shade cloth either. Lookin good buddy, keep up the good work.
Hi Brandon , thanks for your comments mate , as for the bench i had to do something to get them of the ground when there small , the dogs just love to get into them , but they dont seem to worry about them when there in bigger pots, that bench is all finished now i have made a bottom rail on it to strengthen the legs a bit , ill take some pics tomorrow and post .

By the way all those seeds you sent me are cranking along , madballz and Patricks SB7J are looking good , once again ill take some pics tomoz.
That is a nice box you've made. Especially with salvaged timber! If you had some plastic you could cover it at night to keep the cold and wind out and have shadecloth during the day for the sun. Obviously using each less and less as they got used to it and the weather warms up. I guess you are going to carry them inside at night for a while?

Plants look really healthy too.
Nice setup and great list. Plants look very healthy!

Good luck

Thanks Datil for checking out my grow .

That is a nice box you've made. Especially with salvaged timber! If you had some plastic you could cover it at night to keep the cold and wind out and have shadecloth during the day for the sun. Obviously using each less and less as they got used to it and the weather warms up. I guess you are going to carry them inside at night for a while?

Plants look really healthy too.
Yeh Moo , i havnt been bringing them in at night i just get my son to help me lift the whole thing up and bring it under the patio, they seem to be doing ok , we just need some warmer weather.

Looks great Todd! How are the TS Caramel's doing?
Hi Conor, the plants i have started to sun harden are the first lot of seeds i put in , the Caramels are from the second lot and not as big as the first lot , but they do need to be potted up . ill go take a few pics for you .

A few latest pics.

The seedling bench with some shade cloth over the babys.


Trinidad Scorpion caramel


Some long Black habs from seeds Brandon sent.


Giant White Habs from Luigi's seeds.


Patricks SB7J seeds sent to me from Brandon.


And check these funky looking plants out , they are Devils Tongue White , all 8 plants look the same with funky looking leaves, im not sure if its normal or not ? but the devils Tongue yellow look normal.


Devils Tongue Yellow.
