spots on pepper plant leaves


anyone know what this is?
I think I see some aphids in that pic. Smush them with your fingers, make sure to check all the undersides of the leaves, especially the lower ones. You need to check every day for a week or two, until the beneficial bugs outpace the aphid reproduction. If the aphids seem to be gaining, it may be time to break out the insecticide.
I just sprayed with neem oil a few days ago. I'm thinking about taking a few leaves to the botanical gardens here. None of the garden shops can figure it out
I had this and i had to destroy all my plants. Dunno what it is but it keeps coming back and back and spreads like crazy to other chilli plants.
wasted a whole years worth of growing due to this :(
slugs/snails can make lesions like that. I am still betting on the aphids, they are a disease vector and generally weaken the defenses of the plant. Deal with the aphids and the plant will thank you. Based on the pic the aphid population may be at a level that is beyond the ability of neem to control. Destroy the bugs manually or upgrade to the next level of organic pesticide.
First stop watering at night, water in the morning or you will be promoting fungal infections.
Spray those leaves with an insecticide, especialy underneath.