smoking Steaks, taters and gus

Did some bone-in rib steaks tonight. One with S&P, one with Natures Seasoning and mine with Wolfe Rub Bold. 4 minutes per side and done! I also did a first, grilled sweet potatoes and let me tell you...............they're awesome!!! I rubbed with some oil then some Original WR. Grilled indirect for about 15 minutes per side and WOW!!!! These things were some of the best food I've ever grilled!! I also did some asparagus. Did my wife's in Italian dressing and mine in Wolfe Rub Citrus and EVOO. The flavor on mine didn't come through the way I wanted it too, so I'll try again!!

I read that thread title as " STEAKS, TARTARS AND GUNS".

Thought this was gonna be about eating raw meat and shooting stuff...
chuk hell said:
I read that thread title as " STEAKS, TARTARS AND GUNS".

Thought this was gonna be about eating raw meat and shooting stuff...

Dude, does your hot sauce have an extra ingredient like the "special" brownies do?
Seriously, I thought I saw something like this once, it might have been in the whole foods store. Maybe if I wouldn't have had the whole bottle I'd remember :shocked: