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seeds Still no germination after 9 days

The seeds are slow this season. Normally I have several poking up through the soil cells in my propagator within a week but nothing yet. I hope they come up soon as it's getting later in the season than usual for me.
Not sure what seeds are giving you problems, but my super hots took 2+ weeks to start popping ( Reapers, Brain strains, etc) I started to think I had bad seeds and then poof they started popping up.
Believe me guys I have patience but as I said there are always some strains that come up in a week or less but I am not seeing that this season. These are the same seeds I used last seaon as well.
I made an eerily similar post not too long ago, worrying about the exact same thing. Worry not, good sir, if you plant them, they will come :)
Thanks guys. I have 14 varieties: Fatalii, Ghost, Pumpkin Habanero, Scotch Bonnet, Thai Dragon, Manzano, Pimiento de Padron, Kung Pao, Red Caribbean Habanero, Hot Cow Horn, Pueblo, Serrano, Chile Tepin, and Mulato.
Nice mix you got going. The only one I`ve had issues with this year has been Fatalii. 2 different seed suppliers, only 4 seedlings out of 20 seeds planted.
Hey Marine Dad, are you using the exact same germinating methods as last season? If not maybe thats the reason?
I've had mine in the dirt for about a month and even just a few days ago I saw a few come up that I didn't think were going to come up. It seriously can take a long time.
Megahot, Yes I am. Everything is exactly the same....MG Seed Starting mix and distilled water. Everything was cleaned with bleach and water beforehand as always.
My Bhut Jolokias took 2+ weeks to germ but when they did, man you should have seen them grow. Don't worry, your seeds will definitely germ. Expect 90% yield in about 4 weeks.
Planted Red Savina Habanero, Purira, NuMex Twilight, and Thai chilis 12 days ago, a total of around 60 seeds total.

Only 5 habaneros and 3 of the others have popped up and it's been about 72-88F the entire time.