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Sulfur smell

I have a ferment that I just finished (about three weeks):
Chopped up Scotch bonnets, 7 pots, bahamian goats
Added brine (1.5 sea salt tablespoons/quart)
Under airlock the whole time
In the first few days of the ferment I noticed a slight sulfur smell, but it seemed to be bubbling great and the the fermentation started very quickly.  Today I blended the mixture, and noticed the sulfur smell again.  I tasted a bit, and it tasted fine (good grief is this hot).  I was planning to can this.  Anybody else noticed a sulfur smell with ferments?  Any cause for concern?
Was it fermenting at a low temp - is it cold? ...
Sulfur smells common behind fermentation ... lager > ale ...
CO2 scrubs the sulfur from the liquid in the long run, at least in beer ;)
Bet it fades when you put the final product in the fridge for a while ... an approximation of "lagering" it ...
Let us know ...
Thanks grantmichaels.  I make wine as well, and had a batch last year with a faint sulfur odor that disappeared after a few rankings.  
My guess is it is about 70F.  I have about 15 other ferments going in the same place and none of them have the smell.  It is currently sitting in the fridge until I get around to canning it....
I mixed some of the slightly-smelly ferment with a mild batch (onions and a mild habanero variety), cooked in on the stove a bit, and it tasted and smelled fine.  Wow is it hot.  The rest of the ferment is in the fridge in a mason jar, and still has the smell.  I'll be combining with more mild stuff during the next few weeks.  
Lots of canning accomplished tonight....