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Superhot Blossom Drop

Hello everyone. Been a ROUGH year up here, up until the last week the weather hasn't broke 80 for more than 1 hour, not only that but I saw an article on our local news channel that said it's been the wettest, coldest summer in 35 years here in Western Washington, I thought I'd give you that info before asked the ?.. So, I moved into our new house too late to start seeds of my own.. so. Being the chilehead I am I had to buy some superhot plants from Jim Duffy. I also purchased alot of cayenne varieties, serrano, fatalii, scotch bonnet, thai dragon, etc from local markets.. I have 58 plants. ALL of the peppers over Habanero heat are having an incredible amount of blossom drop. This is my 4th year growing hot peppers and I would like to hear other peoples opinions..
I've done a great job in years past, I've also started my own seeds... we've also had way better weather the 3 years past.. I've tryed hand pollinating and still.. the same results. Peppers under Habanero heat are droppin blooms but still producing SOME fruit.. My 20 Superhots.. Dropping every bloom still. The First Sign of a superhot pod was my Yellow 7pod, and my nagamorich NOT dropping there bloom.. we will see. either way. It's incredible how much blossom drop Ive seen..

I'm leanin towards weather being the problem.. just would like to see what you all think.
Thanks for your time and reading I appreciate it.
The hot weather back to back to back caused major flower drop on EVERYTHING! Maters, cucs and peppers :eek: Now with a nice cool spell I am seeing more blooms starting and a few new pods :)
I just moved to Eastern WA and my 2 hab plants that made the move with me (both started from seed) are doing the same thing. The flowers bloom, stay a day or two then drop. I have a poblano that has 2 peppers growing on it, but is also starting to drop flowers too.
Flower drop probable causes:

1. Day temp too high >95F
2. Night temp too low <65F
3. Too much nitrogen fertilizer
4. Too much water
5. Low light levels (reduces fertility).
6. Very low humidity (reduces fertility)
7. Poor air circulation (air circulation contributes to pollination).
8. Lack of pollinating insects.
9. Size of pot
10. Too much mineral in feedwater.
11. Too much grower attention/anxiety.