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Superhot Concentrate


Extreme Member
I had to figure a way to preserve my superhot harvest over the past two weeks and I decided to simply add a little vinegar and salt to the blended peppers and pressure can them...

I ended up with 14 8 ounce jars of concentrate. The fresh taste of the pods remains and I can use this various ways including making hot sauce with them...

A pic of the jars...2 Dorset Naga, 2 Trinidad Scorpion, 3 Yellow Trinidad Scorpion, and 7 7 Pots...

This will get me thru the winter I am sure...thank you Billyboy for the recipe...

100 grams pepper
60ml vinegar
pinch of salt
1 Tbsp sugar

For sauces I just hot pack and forget about canning. I certainly don't think that big hot-sauce makers do anything other than hot pack into sterilized jars with proper acidity. For canning pickled peppers or thick salsa I like to use water canning

I agree Potawie. The secret is the Ph. It MUST be low enough to keep bacterial spores in check. Boiling the sauce kills all the other stuff.
AlabamaJack said:
I put the agave nectar in before I puree everything...just put the peppers, sea salt, vinegar, and agave nectar in then puree...I use about 1/4 Tbsp...Agave nectar is much sweeter than white sugar

Thanks AJ - I look forward to trying it.