• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

Sweet and Smoky Chipotle Paste

Hi all,

This is such a great forum. I had no idea it existed until someone directed me here from Reddit.

I've been making various sauces for a few years but this is my current favourite. A sweet and smoky chipotle paste. I'm thinking of making small batches to sell, but food guidelines over here in Scotland for sauce making are pretty much non-existent, but this site has been a great resource for how to make sure I keep the nasties at bay!

:welcome: from sunny South Florida! :woohoo:
Welcome, Klaatu!

As far as making and selling sauces, follow what your local health authorities say. It's good to hear you have an awareness of "the nasties" and that's a great start. You are way ahead of may others.

Good Luck in your Hot Sauce Adventures!
Thanks everyone for the great welcome!

Thanks JayT, it's a pretty tasty sauce. It's been a go-to of mine for a while. Great for coating on cooked chicken wings or ribs before throwing back in the oven. Good on most things really. It can be a pretty good dip too.
I generally make about 2 litres at a time, keeping 1 for myself and dishing the rest out to hungry friends.
Since I first got the recipe right (I was almost going to give up after countless tries), it's constantly been in my kitchen.