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Systemic insecticide in Hydro solution?

I was wondering if anyone uses a systemic insecticide in their hydro system. I thought the Neem Oil I have been spraying stated that you could water it in to potted plants for the plants to uptake and it would be a systemic preventative, but Southern Ag has a different instruction label online than on the bottle I have. So I was wondering about if anyone used it or something else as a systemic in their nutes?

I discovered the Aphids are back again, I just sprayed a week ago, seems I have 2 types of ants farming the dang things...

I do not use any insecticides on any plants. I will however use garlic and neem if the problem gets out of hand. Healthy plants will put up a stronger fight than weak plants. Calcium really helps plants fend off invaders. I use 1/2 tbls per gallon of water