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Tabasco, Cayenne, Neither?

The ones on the left are long red cayennes and the one on the right is from a pack of tabasco seeds. The "tabasco" peppers are all thicker, darker, and straighter than my cayenne plants. Is this how Tabasco's grow? I always thought they grew upwards. I've never grown them before and just want to make sure I didn't mislabel it. 
That's what I'm thinking because all the pics i have seen look like that wiki. I can't find where I got them from but all the peppers look like that so I know I didn't mislabel all of them. Must have gotten cayenne :/
Nothing wrong with cayenne! Still makes a tasty sauce! It's a very all around type of pepper as far as uses go...

what does the plant look like? You could have some chili de arbol there. Is it a "tree"?