Texan shouting out from OKC!

Hiya folks!
Just found this site, and i'm quite excited about what information i'll find here. I'm originally from Texas, and I love spicy foods! I'm slowly beginning my chili pepper growing again since I joined the Air Force. It's a bit more difficult at the moment, but i'm sure i'll get there once I move off base and can get my own greenhouse and yard. Look forward to seeing you all in the forums! Take care and be safe. God bless!

Thx! I've already checked out your latest growing season thread... I'm truly jealous and amazed. Oh i'm counting the days til I get me a green house and yard... Right now I have to make due with a sidewalk outside my door and a few planters... Kudos to you!
Greetings from WA!

Don't feel bad, I'm in a 1BR Apt. 3 stories up and blocks away from anything dirt or green. But, I'm managing. :)
Cruisnfoo said:
Sure am... Where you stationed out of? Pensacola? Hurlburt Field?

I've been out since 94, bro. Sorry for the bit of confusion. I did do most of my time at Hill AFB, though.
Welcome from Fort Worth