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Thai Peppers...very slow this year

I started 8 Thai pepper plants this year and gave 6 to a Thai friend of mine, and kept 2 for myself. They are the tallest thai pepper plants I have grown in my life. Problem is, they are nearly up to my shoulders (friend's six plants are the same), and I am just now getting just a couple of peppers on mine. I'm thinking that they are just now through growing and will now start kicking out some pods. I'll get a few pics of them tomorrow. Is it normal for thai peppers to take this long to produce??
superdv1 said:
Is it normal for thai peppers to take this long to produce??

when did you put in the ground/container for plantout?
I've always found the asian varieties will produce late in the season perticularly on their first season. They also produce longer into the cold temps. If you can keep them into 2nd & 3rd seasons they never stop.
Whats the best out of the Thai varieties to grow?

I have a single Thai Red in my lot of seedlings under lights, its currently growing on par with one of my Californian Wonder plants in size of heigh and growth, so I find they grow very quickly.
Etna is a great thai variety,Fruits have smooth thick wall, green skin in early stage and turning into red when fully matured. Long and large fruits are very pungent and have long shelf life. Plants are very vigorous and very productive. Very popular for commercial production and home gardening in Thailand and Southern Asia.

Thai OrangeThe plants grow to about 2 or 2.5 feet and are prolific producers of bright orange long thin peppers which ripen early and are very pungent.A really reat chilli my friend is growing this has hundreds of pods.:)
The Orange Thai is my favorite...
Cheers A.j Growing a Orange Thai x Goat's Weed F2 (isolated) next season so looking forward to it now :)
Yeah, as it was said before, Thais can take their time, but they turn out to be great producers in the end. One of my plants is loaded with pods, buds and flowers atm and it took it a while to get this far, so don't worry.

Haven't grown the Orange Thai yet, got pics, guys?
I haven't got any yet, but here's seeds/info and pic:


Orange Thai Pepper Organic Seeds
Heirloom Seeds from Seed Savers Exchange



Chiliac said:
Haven't grown the Orange Thai yet, got pics, guys?

No hijack meant Superdv1...

here are two pics of my Orange Thai Plants and one close up of a pepper...they have great heat and a very pretty color when dried that can be used to "lighten" the color of your chili powder....


a closer view of two plants...


I don't know if you could see the pepper in the above pic so I picked it and here it is...


they have stopped producing right now because of all the heat we have had for the past month or so...all my plants are now starting to flower/fruit again...I hate to jinx myself but I think the worst of summer is over, now lets just hope we have a long fall before ms. winter comes visitin...
these things were prolific about 6 weeks ago...had probably 30 peppers per plant and let me tell you, when they are loaded with orange little pods, they are really pretty plants...
I've grown the orange thai, great heat & prolific, growing it again this season & plan to do so from now on.
also growing the red thai & yellow thai this season (1st time growning these). the red thai is less prolific IMO. the yellow thai is just as prolific as the orange thai. dont know about the heat but CCN labels them as very hot.

my thais start producing pods when they got about 8"-10" tall, I didnt think they could get to 6' tall. are you feeding them alot of nitrogen ?
Well, I haven't fed mine anything, other than when I planted them, I used a little compost mixed in the hole I planted them in.
superdv1 said:
Well, I haven't fed mine anything, other than when I planted them, I used a little compost mixed in the hole I planted them in.

shootem a little Vigaro 10-10-10 liguid fertilize...you can get it at home depot...less than $10 a bottle