beer The FineExampl Homebrew Project


Bottled all of it last night. Only got about 1 and 1/3 cases from this batch. I must have goofed somewhere, but it's ok. It smelled okay and we'll see how it goes. Hopefully no bombs will explode.

in other news...

Whole Foods apple juice comes in 1gallon growlers. Bought two. They also sell this stuff. Bought some of this as well. It's LME!

The mead is fermenting nicely and is probably ready for a transfer. I think i'll let it set a while longer on the yeast cake. I wonder if i should use the yeast cake to pitch my next experiment? Can't hurt, right?
Pitching on meade? Hmmmmm what ABV?

Big beers, or high abv meads are hard on yeast.

Was it a special mead yeast?

It might be interesting!
Let us know how that LME works. I went to whole foods just to look for that, but I became distracted by all of the other crap and forgot to look. I did end up buying a half a pound of garlic sesame sticks,!
frydad4 said:
Let us know how that LME works. I went to whole foods just to look for that, but I became distracted by all of the other crap and forgot to look. I did end up buying a half a pound of garlic sesame sticks,!
From what i found out on homebrewtalk, it's "food grade" malt extract as opposed to brewer's ME. It will work, but may not be the best. Still, as i'm using it in an experiment with a Quinoa beer, it should work nicely. Maybe some allspice and ginger?

And the yeast i used in the mead was the regular dry champagne yeast. Next time i'll use something better, but this is fine for now. And the fermenting has stopped. I'll rack to secondary this weekend and stick it in the closet for a few months and forget about it. The gas coming off it smells nice.
My thoughts are on the malt extract from WF. I'm not sure about marketing it in a clear glass bottle. Something about UV kicking in here, but if this works, holla back!!
The dry champagne yeast should be working wonders. Racking soon would be good because I find fermentation (seemingly) kicks back in a bit when a sloppy (oxygenating) racking occurs.
Cheers to the mead!
SumOfMyBits said:
My thoughts are on the malt extract from WF. I'm not sure about marketing it in a clear glass bottle. Something about UV kicking in here, but if this works, holla back!!
The dry champagne yeast should be working wonders. Racking soon would be good because I find fermentation (seemingly) kicks back in a bit when a sloppy (oxygenating) racking occurs.
Cheers to the mead!
i did figure the UV thing, so i took from the back of the shelf. if it got any light damage it might be minimized. either way, it'll end up drinkable. especially if i fruit it up some. at worst it won't kill me
Does UV light alter malt extract very much? It looks fairly dark, so it should be pretty good at filtering beyond the surface. We all know that UV wreaks havoc on hop compounds, but I was not aware that it had majorly detrimental effects on malt syrup. I cannot say that I know for sure, though, so let us know how it turns out.
i picked up the rest of my supplies for now. got a siphon, new funnel, brew paddle, extra airlock, and some yeast to use with my experimental brew and my cider.

Also racked the mead and braggot to the secondary. There was a bit left in the primaries so i stuck it some glasses to let settle (kinda yeasty) and take a sip off of. The mead is so far spot on. Very strong, but i remember the flavor so i know it's going correctly. The braggot? Well that's an interesting one. It smells SOOOO strong it turned my girl's nose. It just reaks of fermentation and hops. I took a single sip on it and the alcohol was unbelievably strong! I may have to freeze it and pour off the alcohol on this one. ;) It's just straight up evil stuff. :)
fineexampl said:
i picked up the rest of my supplies for now. got a siphon, new funnel, brew paddle, extra airlock, and some yeast to use with my experimental brew and my cider.

Also racked the mead and braggot to the secondary. There was a bit left in the primaries so i stuck it some glasses to let settle (kinda yeasty) and take a sip off of. The mead is so far spot on. Very strong, but i remember the flavor so i know it's going correctly. The braggot? Well that's an interesting one. It smells SOOOO strong it turned my girl's nose. It just reaks of fermentation and hops. I took a single sip on it and the alcohol was unbelievably strong! I may have to freeze it and pour off the alcohol on this one. ;) It's just straight up evil stuff. :)

If you EISBOCK this just so you can pour off some alcohol, I will come and personally rip up your man card.


It is OK to save it and have one now and again. It is good excuse to brew a nice session brew.
One thing you must understand is i hate liquor tasting stuff. The mead i've tasted was good, but my stuff is WAY stronger. I'm sure it's just because it's not matured yet. I assure you, i WILL be drinking all of this stuff, sucky or not.
Am I reading this right? The mead is fine, but the braggot is WAY too strong in alochol? Are you thinking of freeze-distilling to drink the alcohol, or freeze-distilling the alcohol out only to unfreeze the braggot to drink? If it's the latter... man card MUST be taken! If you do both, I guess we could let it slide as an experiment.?. I agree with CD, make it a session drink to be pulled out on special tasting occasions with those in the "know". Remember, this is technically a mead and will mature with age. If it comes down to it... you could "light" it by adding water (i'd use tea), but this would certainly be toeing the line of man card acquisition by authorities.
SumOfMyBits said:
Am I reading this right? The mead is fine, but the braggot is WAY too strong in alochol? Are you thinking of freeze-distilling to drink the alcohol, or freeze-distilling the alcohol out only to unfreeze the braggot to drink? If it's the latter... man card MUST be taken! If you do both, I guess we could let it slide as an experiment.?. I agree with CD, make it a session drink to be pulled out on special tasting occasions with those in the "know". Remember, this is technically a mead and will mature with age. If it comes down to it... you could "light" it by adding water (i'd use tea), but this would certainly be toeing the line of man card acquisition by authorities.
What i was actually considering was to make a a honey/hop liquer to use in desserts and such and taking the remaining frozen part and blending it with the traditional style and having a very mellow hopped mead as a dessert "wine". You have to understand, i view things as if i were a chef.

You can't take my man card for experimenting. I did make it clear this wasn't my actual production mead, but a trial to see if i should invest in 15lbs of honey.
Man...I got few brews under my belt before I tried to make rum.;)

To each their own!

If you are feeling crazy, apfelwein is a favorite among brewers.

5 gallons apple cider, no boil, champagne yeast.

Do not carbonate.

Serve warm, maybe simmered with a cinnamon stick.

Great for a cold winters night.