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The Last Great Pizza Thread

'Bout time we had a thread for all those that make their own dough and sauce. Too many good cooks on THP to let something as magnificent as that king of foods, pizza go unnoticed on this forum. This thread however comes with some rules to post...

1) Make your own dough and post the recipe. Thin crust. Whole wheat. Foccacia. NY or Chicago style. Naan....your choice!

2) Make your own sauce and post the recipe. Red. White. Olive oil w/ garlic. Whatever gets your mojo workin'!

3) Mandatory that it brings teh heat. Habs. Serrano's. Bhut's. T-Scorps. Fatalli. Hot sauce's and puree's will qualify. Using wimp sauce's such as Tabasco Brand or Franks will
be ridiculed with extreme prejudice and boooooed heavily!

4) Toppings can be anything. Pepperoni. Avocado. Greek olives. Pulled pork. If it came out of the ground or walked, swam or crawled, its all cool and the gang!

5) Bake them in the oven on a sheet pan. In cast iron. A pizza stone. On the grill. Got a wood fired pizza oven? Have mercy!

6) Pics are mandatory! Anyone can talk smack about it but put up or shut up. No pics? It never happened and ridiculing and boooooing will follow. Capiche?

Alright ya'll, lets get it on.....
Just scored a Fibrament stone.
Pizza is def on the menu for tomorrow.
Awesome lokking pizzas as usual, Booma! :drooling: What's all on the "Aussie" pie? Is that egg and red onions?

Aussie Pizza, Tomato Sauce Base, Mozzarella, Shredded Ham, Pineapple and a couple of eggs

Pineapple is sometimes, not all the time on it.
Amoeba Pizza!!! I loves.

Look closer... there is a method to his madness.

The Margherita looks like Sardinia, the Aussie looks like Australia, and Hawaiian looks like Kauai :lol:

Damn Booma.... ;)
I am not going to rip on the Longos because I just used a premade crust a page ago, but damn bro, you gotta sautee those mushrooms a little first!

Extra points for the LDHS and Joyners powder though. I love me a Hawaiian pizza. Was going to say that earlier, Aussie pie sounds like Hawaiian, but with eggs.
I'm trying to concoct a Salmon Pizza in my mind, but I keep getting hung up.
Maybe I need more coffee first....

Nice looking pies everyone! :clap:
Mmm smoked salmon pizza. Roasted red peppers sauce, red onion, garlic, smoked salmon, parmesan cheese, some small diced habs or bhuts. That's what I am picturing. Make it happen CJ.
Damn, CJ, a smoked salmon pizza. Make it happen! Maybe use cream cheese, some green onion or chives (but chives are expensive), some fresh thyme, garlic... gotta figure out the pepper part... I know smoky flavors pair well with that combo.
Screw all-y'all! I ain't firing up the smoker for a piece of salmon for a pizza!
It's 15º outside in the sun.

We aren't drunk yet either. I am thinking more of O.Oil garlic rosemary sauteed salmon pizza.

But I ai'nt makin it, HA! I am making Chile!

I am not going to rip on the Longos because I just used a premade crust a page ago, but damn bro, you gotta sautee those mushrooms a little first!

Extra points for the LDHS and Joyners powder though. I love me a Hawaiian pizza. Was going to say that earlier, Aussie pie sounds like Hawaiian, but with eggs.

Yeah man are those canned mushrooms? Yuck.

I'm trying to concoct a Salmon Pizza in my mind, but I keep getting hung up.
Maybe I need more coffee first....

Nice looking pies everyone! :clap:

Teriyaki marinade style sauce brushed on the crust before the cheese, mirin, teriyaki, sesame oil, black pepper, scallions, onion, garlic, hot peppers, splash of white wine vinegar to balance the sweet... then... ricotta cheese pie (ricotta mixed with fontina cheese, scallions, bacon), bake it, then at the end, put the smoked salmon on, a drizzle of the sauce, pop it back in just to heat the salmon but not cook, 30 secs.
I would go for a chocolate powder of some sort on salmon pizza (not douglah it's to acidy tasting). Good idea with cream cheese and chives.... my chives here arent that expensive but yes your alternative idea would be good too Sum.

OMG Boss!!! Thats like one of those pizzas that are served on a gold platter!!!
Holy Cow you guys! All most awesome ideas!!!!!! I'm soooooo tempted to pull some smoked salmon out of the freezer right now!

But, this is the little nugget of fresh salmon I'm trying to work with:


Major thanks for the heat ideas - that part always trips me up! :D

(I'm considering a Cilantro Cream Sauce....?)
Nice CJ!!!!! I am sure you'll figure sumthin out. Good luck Chicky!!! Pizza and Chilli at the J house man y'all aren't going to be hungry tonight!!!