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contest The Next Throwdown is...

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oh japan you so crazy
So curry is for December?

I've been watching youtube curry videos.

Not much of a curry fan and have very few of the spices needed.

Think I'll pass unless there is another option.

Sure would like to see an "ETHNIC" TD

Picture a TD where you pick a country, other than your own, and make the best representation of their food. Encapsulate what that country means to you in one dish, or one meal. (Maybe a small spread)

America could be:

Bbq, coleslaw, beans, corn on the cob, cornbread, and apple pie.

Just to illustrate my point.
The Hot Pepper said:
NOV Pizza
DEC Curry
Do we have to do curry?
I'm also not digging curry. Wouldn't lend itself to online judging very well. Sauce pics aren't very telling. Would come down to nice looking garnish or sides.
The Hot Pepper said:
Pizza is always a good one and we haven't done it since December 2014.
Curry we only did once but it was a big hit. Good month for some warm curry, and you can go so many ways; Indian, Thai, Caribbean, and so many other curries. Also curry can be the familiar stew/soup entree, as well as using curry as a flavor, like curry puff appetizers, or curry wings with curry powder (not in a saucy curry) etc. I'm thinking a multi-category curry for December end of the year epic TD.
If this gets 10 Likes, it is the plan.
Missed this one.

Guess I'll have to research more

I'm just not a big fan of curry.

There are many alternatives though. Maybe I need to go out and taste more of them.

I might start with ramen

Then gyoza

Chirashi or katsudon

A couple fancy rolls or handrolls

End with saki bombs

Koko wa doko watashi wa dare ?
You can always go outside the box with your curry. I don't have any experience making curry, but I'll probably give it a shot. I imagine you could make a Japanese curry. Take a mix of spices in Japanese food, and a Ramenesque noodle, with Yellowfin tuna, for example. You may not win the TD, but you may make something that you love.
Don't do a TD trying to guess what people will vote for, because it's impossible to guess. There are many different taste on THP. Just try to make something you'll love and you always win.
You guys are so amusing sometimes. Keep in mind two things: 1) there are more curries than just Indian curries, and 2) at its most basic level, "curry" is just a mixture of multiple spices.
It's already been posted in this thread and elsewhere, but there are Caribbean curries, curries originating in different parts of Africa and also in Asia.
Even within Indian curries, there are both regional and personal differences of the actual ingredients used to make the seasoning mixture, even though they use the same name. Your best approach is to start looking at curry seasoning mix recipes (look up how to make garam masala, for examaple) then think about what you might do differently to make your own. If you have the mantra "I don't like curry" beating in your head, shut it off and start experimenting to find something you like. Try something I do - put a small quantity of a variety of seasonings into your hand or on a small plate and mix them together - then smell them. If you like the smell, most likely you will like the taste.
Of course, you may just be like me and distinctly dislike a particular seasoning on its own. Most prepackaged curries include the one spice that I absolutely cannot stand. Fine, but I like the rest of the seasonings, so I mix my own and leave out what I consider to be a garbage spice.  If it works for me, it can work for you!
geeme said:
You guys are so amusing sometimes. Keep in mind two things: 1) there are more curries than just Indian curries, and 2) at its most basic level, "curry" is just a mixture of multiple spices.
It's already been posted in this thread and elsewhere, but there are Caribbean curries, curries originating in different parts of Africa and also in Asia.
Even within Indian curries, there are both regional and personal differences of the actual ingredients used to make the seasoning mixture, even though they use the same name. Your best approach is to start looking at curry seasoning mix recipes (look up how to make garam masala, for examaple) then think about what you might do differently to make your own. If you have the mantra "I don't like curry" beating in your head, shut it off and start experimenting to find something you like. Try something I do - put a small quantity of a variety of seasonings into your hand or on a small plate and mix them together - then smell them. If you like the smell, most likely you will like the taste.
Of course, you may just be like me and distinctly dislike a particular seasoning on its own. Most prepackaged curries include the one spice that I absolutely cannot stand. Fine, but I like the rest of the seasonings, so I mix my own and leave out what I consider to be a garbage spice.  If it works for me, it can work for you!
Thanks Geeme, good advice.
Geeme, you beat me to it. Curry is a huge category. It covers many nationalities and many types of food. The term "curry" is basically a spice mix. If you don't like one you may love another. Lamb, beef, chicken, seafood, veggies. All can be curry. I look forward to the variety that will be in this challenge and still have no idea what I'm going to enter.
So a cooked "curry" in a TD doesn't necessarily have to contain curry, or does it at least need to be one of the spices in the mix?

Shorerider said:
So a cooked "curry" in a TD doesn't necessarily have to contain curry, or does it at least need to be one of the spices in the mix?

Not all curries use curry tree leaf. 
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