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contest The Next Throwdown is...

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Oh yeah I'm sure you saw the Trini doubles chick pea fritters they're the bomb...
Wait for Friday lol... that's the way it's always been, theme announced, full challenge on Friday.
It's pretty much an anything goes challenge... if there were weird shopping restrictions I'd let you know... plus Fridays are when I have time to write them up...
Possible bevvy...! :)
most caribbean food looked kind of gross to me. I kind of have a menu planned in my head though it all depends on what the official announcement is. I'm sure there will be like 5 different types of jerk entries but there's lots of other options as well. 
I've never had caribbean food. Well not knowingly at least. 
Wish I wasn't so afraid of my allergies because a take on cod fritters sounds yummy
salsalady said:
What PoL???  There was the tile in the picture.  That little round thing leaning against the glass......Tile cutout....
It's a thing we do. When I see SL's rig in Hank's parking lot, or she sees mine, I put a scrap piece of tile on her dashboard and she puts a wirenut (wago) on mine. I have a ton of those little circle cut outs from probably a shower head or some other water supply.
Ozzy2001 said:
I did the same thing. I will not be picking Hattian food.
Haiti - The world's poorest country. A gov't so corrupt that, when the most recent big earthquake hit, no one would give aid money to the government, but used NGO's (non-governmental organizations) to provide aid. Many people who live there are so poor they actually eat mud cakes just to have something in their bellies. And yet, yes, there are Haitian foods that are phenomenal. Depending upon your knowledge of Haiti, its people and your perspective, I can see arguments on both sides of picking Haitian food (or not) - what are yours?
There's a lot of Haitians in MIA ...
I've enjoyed potluck contributions of Haitian food at a post-New-Year's-Eve brunch that were incredibly flavorful ...
They were some crazy fuckers, too, though ... so there's that.
geeme said:
Haiti - The world's poorest country. A gov't so corrupt that, when the most recent big earthquake hit, no one would give aid money to the government, but used NGO's (non-governmental organizations) to provide aid. Many people who live there are so poor they actually eat mud cakes just to have something in their bellies. And yet, yes, there are Haitian foods that are phenomenal. Depending upon your knowledge of Haiti, its people and your perspective, I can see arguments on both sides of picking Haitian food (or not) - what are yours?
I said earlier that none of the recipes I saw interested me. It wasn't a slight against Haiti. I'm well aware of the plight of the country. I'm sure there is some great Haitian food too. I looked at about 6 of the countries on that map doing a quick search. If I didn't see anything appealing after 3 page clicks, I moved on to another.
I've had Hatian food on a few occasions - pot lucks at my old day-job, we had a couple working at my office, and they'd bring in traditional dishes. I thought they were fantastic. Couple different stews that were out of this world, a "cashew chicken" dish that I fell in love with, and a fried pork (googled a bit and I think it was Griyo) - all very tasty. 
I've never tried the conch dishes or the ones made with chipped/dried meats, but I'd be willing to give those a go too - but what I've had has been tasty. 
Went looking for the names of stuff and found a great site - pics of both dishes I mentioned, too: 
The pork dish, Griyo (not exactly what I had, but very close) 

The Hatian "cashew chicken":

This was my favorite. 
As an island place, I'm betting they can do up some fish too - I'm gonna have to see if there's a Hatian place in the SF Bay Area - now I'm craving it. :dance: 

Haitian fudge?!? What the what?

Oh hell yes - I need to find this.  
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