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The periodic table of condiments

We do not guarantee that any of the above information is in any way accurate. For instance, it was pointed out recently that vegemite is unfit for human consumption upon opening. (We agree - it's vile stuff). However, tests show it is an effective form of reactor shielding...


nice nice Sickmont
I love vegemite.... I smear it thick on my toast.:D

I even eat it raw while i'm waiting for my bread to toast up.:lol:

I know, I know (I can see all the noses being screwed up and i can hear the cry of "hell no")

I love watching videos of americans (and other contries) trying vegemtie for the first time and it is like they just put dog Sh*t in there mouth.:P

It's the funniest thing.......
All this talk about vegemite Im going to find a place online to order some just to try it(I like trying new foods)I never knew it existed untill I joined THP lol
Vegemite its why toast was invented LOL its banned in the US for some weird reason

im with moyboy im straight from the jar, as waiting for toast to pop up,, melted cheeese on, Bakers delight (bakery chain in Oz) has Cheesymite scrolls,

best way to simulate vegemite, is get a beer, Aussie preferably, then tip that on a BBQ hotplate,, once it boils out to a sludge, THATS VEGEMITE no shit, try it ;) we do it when camping in morn with the flat 1/2 cans left from night before on the plate as the toast cooking :P
Woody was considering making a Marmite sauce (Marmite is basically the UK version of Vegemite) and wanted to know if people thought it was a good idea, he hasn't mentioned it again has he Talas and Dave.T? :shame:
He Certainly hasn't R.B we will have to chase him up on that,He has been busy of late with the Asda/Wallmart thing hes doing so cannot blame him :)
theHippySeedCo said:
best way to simulate vegemite, is get a beer, Aussie preferably, then tip that on a BBQ hotplate,, once it boils out to a sludge, THATS VEGEMITE no shit, try it

Jeez, are you telling me all the times we went camping and fishing up north and were cooking the fish over a fire with beer in a skillet we were cooking with vegemite?

Damn, now i'm gonna have to try some.
talas said:
He Certainly hasn't R.B we will have to chase him up on that,He has been busy of late with the Asda/Wallmart thing hes doing so cannot blame him :)

I know he's extra busy for the next month or so but you and Dave said you hated Marmite when he asked if it was a good idea, just pretend you love it ;)
Ohhhh, an idea...how about spicy Vegamite?

I love Habs & Nagas..and I like Vegamite..."ding"

That'd ROCK!

(forms evile plan to find out where the f0ck can find Vegamite here so can make it fully twisted...)

make your own QS...frying pan...beer and naga/hab powder...boil it down until it gets gooey...
Oo..good idea AJ! I think i'll use a really fun beer too...mebbe a Mean Bastard Ale..teehee.

Some choc. hab powder could be fun too.
theHippySeedCo said:
best way to simulate vegemite, is get a beer, Aussie preferably, then tip that on a BBQ hotplate,, once it boils out to a sludge, THATS VEGEMITE no shit, try it ;) we do it when camping in morn with the flat 1/2 cans left from night before on the plate as the toast cooking :P
Damn think ill try that tonight
I remember vegemite as a lyric in a song by Men At Work. Gotta try the stuff. And an Australian told me you guys eat butter on all your sandwiches.
theHippySeedCo said:
best way to simulate vegemite, is get a beer, Aussie preferably, then tip that on a BBQ hotplate,, once it boils out to a sludge, THATS VEGEMITE no shit, try it ;) we do it when camping in morn with the flat 1/2 cans left from night before on the plate as the toast cooking :P

And you still get that salty taste?
rainbowberry said:
I know he's extra busy for the next month or so but you and Dave said you hated Marmite when he asked if it was a good idea, just pretend you love it ;)

Hey he hasn't responded yet will have to up the anti if he doesn't :)
Add soy sauce?

Here's the 411 on it: Vegemite's unofficial Home Page

http://members.ozemail.com.au/~macinnis@ozemail.com.au/vegemite.htm said:
Here endeth the history lesson. Here beginneth the biochemistry lesson, in MY words:

Brewer's yeast is a good source of vitamin B, but live yeast tastes boring, it is poorly digested, and it can even strip vitamin B from the gut. Inactivated yeast lacks the disadvantages, but is still bland. The answer is autolysis: using the yeast's own enzymes to break it down.

Spent brewer's yeast is sieved to get rid of hop resins, and washed to remove bitter tastes. Then it is suspended in water at a temperature greater than 37 C with no nutrients: the yeast cells die, and vitamins and minerals leach out. Then the proteolytic (protein-splitting) enzymes take over, breaking the yeast proteins down into smaller water-soluble fragments, which also leach out.

The yeast cell membrane is unruptured during this time, and can be removed by centrifuging. The clear light brown liquid is then concentrated under a vacuum to a thick paste (the vacuum helps preserve flavours and vitamin B1, thiamine). It is seasoned with salt, and a small proportion of celery and onion extracts to increase the palatability.

Vegemite is sold in a range of sizes up to 910 gram (2 pound) jars, and in bulk in giant tins which must contain about 5 kg of the stuff. Only sissies buy anything less than a 227 gram jar.

I can say I've only had the authentic Kraft Vegamite brought from AU by a g/f at the time. Was awesome.

Here's the Official websie..it's great too.


Vegemite, tomato & sliced asian birdseyes sandwich is the greatest late night snack.
Vegemite is great stuff though - replenishes all those B vitamins that get leached out of the body from drinking. Also doesn't react with booze still in your belly from the night before, so great for hangovers...I think thats why its so popular here.
I think Marmite is even stronger tasting then Vegemite. They say a jar of Vegemite/Marmite will outlive any human because of its high salt content. Do you get Vegemite flavoured crisps in Australia like we get Marmite flavoured crisps? I think you might call them potato chips? :confused: