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The Pescetarian

Hey y'all,
Not too long ago I had an epiphany. Except for a craving for a cheeseburger now and then I really don't eat meat. It's not that I don't like the taste of bacon, pork chops, chicken, brisket, et.al. I do, but I find myself eating a more healthy balanced diet of veggie's and seafood. 
Dig it.
I reckon it really started for me a few years ago. Went to the doctor for a checkup and it was revealed my blood pressure was too high, my cholesterol was too high, and I was carrying around way too much weight for my size. The witchdoctor was only interested in pedaling his drugs to me and engaging me for repeated and often visits to the waiting room. Screw that.
I then made the decision to lose the weight and at the same time get my cholesterol in line along with lowering my blood pressure without spending the rest of my life on drugs. How did I do it?
Easy. I quit eating the stuff that I really didn't need. I cut out the sugar, lowered the amount of salt I used, quit eating eggs, bacon, deep fried foods, meats of all kind, anything in a box or a can, and all processed food crap. My cholesterol and blood pressure dropped like a rock and the weight fell right off. It was enlightening to say the least and I did it without having to take a bunch of damn drugs. 
The other day I made a bunch of meatballs for the Sandwich of the Month Thread. After I made the meatball sammich I asked myself why I did that. I don't know. I don't crave meat. I didn't even think it tasted all that good. I mean it did taste good but it wasn't anything I'd go out of my way to eat again. So why bother anymore?
So it got me thinkin' about what I eat most on an everyday basis. I love tacos but it occurred to me that I mostly load my tortillas up with onions, garlic, chiles, shrimp or fish, or just whatever veg I have laying around. Cabbage? You bet. Goes great on a taco. Why not?  These days I also find myself looking at labels. Yellow dye #5? Get outta' town. Why is that sheeit even necessary?
So this thread is going to be dedicated to all 'thangs more or less healthy. A pescetarian lifestyle if you will, because that is what I am. 
Y'all got some hippy healthy food stuff to posty up? Well this is the place to do it. Quinoa? Whole wheat bread? Sprouts? Bring it all. But bring the heat too!
Here ya' go....
Texas Gulf Brown shrimps are in season. 16/25's.

Made up some coleslaw with shredded cabbage, cilantro, chopped chile's (look like thai's but who knows), just a little sea salt, olive oil based mayo and Mae Ploy sweet chile sauce.

I picked up a little Lodge cast iron griddle that fits perfectly on my Lodge Hibachi grill. Why? Because I like fire! But I don't really care for all the spooky stuff emitted from wood fire or charcoal.
The griddle 'thang just works and its just dang cute too.

A little squirt of canola oil was all that was needed.

Just look at 'em! Juicy, sweet, and tender shrimps. (Note the just made hot sauce, that's for another thread)

I will say that I've always had an addiction to cheese and I find it difficult to not put it on taco's. So we got a corn tortilla with a little shredded cheddar, the coleslaw, and the shrimps. Before eating I splooged the just made mango hab sauce all over it.

Have mercy!
This is what I crave.

I eat like that so I can look like and do this.

So all you seafood and veggie lovers, posty up whatchoo' got. Bring on all your healthy hippy food pornz.

I gotz to post these.
I'm in love with this little griddle.

And for no dang reason, a shot of the taco with mango/hab sauce.

Healthy food never tasted so good!
Funny you mention the patchouli.
Thinking about trading my F150 for a new Outback or Forrester maybe tomorrow.
But first I have to get all my sheeit out teh truck.
And wash it too.
The cab smells like hippy all up in they 'thang.
An Outback or a Forester?

Subaru Outback. The official car of the outdoorsy lesbian. (Nothing wrong with that).

Why not a Jetta, Bug or Miata convertible?

It's only a matter of time before you get kicked out of Texas and exiled to Vermont or Connecticut.

Or Seattle. :rofl:

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Poor F-150 :mope:
That microbus must be Siccy's ride.
The Suburu's are great vehicles even if they are hippy. My dear sweet mama has an Outback as well as a big honkin' new Ford SUV. The Ford sits in her garage. They drive teh Outback ever where. Never had a problem ever. Her guy Ken used to work for Suburu way back when they first started importing them into Houston. Tells me the current engines were originally designed for aircraft. 
Love my truck but don't have much use for it nowadays. I can't have my guitars and amplificadore's rollin' around in the bed while truckin' down the road.
I can haul ever 'thang I need in one of them 'thar Suburu's with room to spare for fish taco's.
I give you shit TB, but the truth is, I just sold my '88 Subaru DL wagon. Best car I ever owned. I have pushed the 4WD button and gone into mile long driveways with snow pushing up over the hood. No studs, no chains, just don't stop and that sumbitch plows snow. All while getting 36 mpg.

Good for you.

Now I wanna see pics of your hippy pick-nick eating fish tacos in the back, whilst meditating in the fog of patchouli incense.

"No officer! It's only incense!" :rofl:
Much obliged Scovalingus.
Nuthin's set in stone yet. 
It remains to be seen how much the dealer wants to play "lets make a deal" and make the numbers work.
Out of the last 4 vehicles we bought, only mrs. blues Caddy, was one we actually shopped for. Her last truck she got was because she took the truck she had before that in for a scheduled free oil change and walked out with a brandy new vehicle.
Happens a lot with us for some reason so I'm going prepared.
I reckon if I do get a new vehicle I'ma take a road trip to Austin and post a pic eating a shrimp taco in the car at Torchy's Taco's.
My fav's are the Baja Shrimp, The Dirty Sanchez, and the Fried Avocado.
The Fried Avo taco will make you see GOD!
Jay you so crazy.
How do you find that stuff?
I know you're busy with yer' new trappin' cages n' metal detectin' sheeit.
texas blues said:

Hippy lovin' healthy greazin' y'all.
What the hael is that plastic contraption? A taco holder? A little small isn't it? Who only eats two tacos?
Do you waste that valuable Texas water washing it or does it get added to the landfill?
Right on! The older we get the less we like our tacos all flopped over like us. Right TB?

Or did you get it specifically to dazzle us with your photog skeels?

Either way, it looks like it MUST be the deluxe version... Look close...

It looks like you could keep adding to it until he has a Taco conga line all the way to Tijuana...

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I gotz 5 of those taco chairs that you can clip together or leave separate.
Handy little doodad's to have around if yer' a freak for tacos like I am.
And while I only took pics of the first 2 tacos, I did eat 3.
About all I can handle.
I got leftover salmon so I reckon I'll put the taco chair doodad's to use agin'.
Maybe whir and stir up some guac w/pina to splooge on 'em too.
Scovalingus don't have no doodad's Jay.
He's got egg nubbins.