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The thread of Creepy Crawlies

I see no pics of TrueNorthReptile's stuff yet. Patrick, you've talked to him about tarantulas before, go yell at him to get pics over here.
cruzzfish said:
I see no pics of TrueNorthReptile's stuff yet. Patrick, you've talked to him about tarantulas before, go yell at him to get pics over here.
Oh crap! I forgot about this thread! Today is feeding day for our bugs, so I will break out the camera and attempt to get some shots.
We have downsized our collection considerably due to our first child on the way. Here are a few we have left:
Archispirostreptus gigas aka African giant millipede. Just a baby, maybe 3-4" or so.

Avicularia avicularia aka common pink toe tarantula. 6" adult female.

Brachypelma boehmi aka Mexican fire leg tarantula. 3" unsexed. Evil creature! Flicks hairs the moment you touch the tub and will bite!

Grammastola pulchripes aka Chaco golden knee tarantula. 2" unsexed. A little skittish, but hasn't shown any aggression. Can't wait til it grows up to be the size of a dinner plate! Sorry for the severe overexposure.

Grammastola rosea aka rose hair tarantula. 5.5" female. She was our first tarantula.

Grammastola rosea adult male. Absolutely psychotic! Loves throwing up a threat display. I ran out of coconut husk. Gotta pick up more because he loves digging.

Brachypelma vagans aka Mexican red rump. 5" sub-adult, likely female. Also psychotic and loves attacking anything within reach. Usually a docile species. At least she doesn't flick hairs.

Avicularia versicolor aka Martinique pink toe tarantula. 4" female. This is our pet web. Just hides all day and bolts at any movement. Extremely skittish and has bitten!
I gotta get the camera back out. There's been a ton of jumping spiders now, and a few craneflies. Not much else yet though.
Edit: My hissing cockroach been doing some funny stuff recently. Pics coming soon, and the other one discovered the joys of fermenting things. Drunk and ornery bugs are quite funny.
Found a small green caterpillar that started molting when I put him next to the computer to find out what he is. Pictures once it's finished and back to being recognizable colors.
We went to visit my wifes relatives and that rattler was hanging out waaaay too close to where the kids were playing. I was pushing for bbq snake but it was a no go. A neighbor did take it for it's skin and I have no idea wheather or not he ate it.
Loving this thread. Everyone's photos and finds are kickass. Well done!
Here are a few shots from our recent trip to Costa Rica (Bahia Drake on the SW coast)
Crab in the tree in the woods:

Some kind of water spider. About a 4in diameter. She's hangin' out on the step everyone takes to get out of the waterfall pool. I was last out, of course I spotted her and had to show the better half what was inches from her pretty toes heh heh..

Whip scorpion. Such a cool creature, looks insane and cool hunting traits what with the 'whips' and all.

Fer de Lance. Was with a group walking down from our cabins to go on a night tour. Spotted my #1 before we even left the property. Unfortunately the staff had big issues with me getting any closer...let alone pulling him down for a better look. I listened... closest hospital was a flight or long boat ride away. Would have liked to at least get closer though.

Some frogs! The first one was humongous. A two-hander for sure. Forget the name of the second but the third was my number #2 most wanted - the red-eyed tree frog!

Bolivian wandering spider. The famous venomous banana-box tag-a-long. One strange side effect of getting bit if you're a dude -- you'll think you popped a Viagra. Apparently they're working with the venom as I write this to make a Viagra family alternative. Good to know there'll be options when I'm 80. This was another critter they kept us all a good 6-8ft away from...except I wondered back for a pic.

I love this shot I got of a camouflaged anole in the old growth forest.

Finally, this was the biggest grasshopper I've ever seen, and something that wasn't venomous or poisonous that I could catch!
AaronRiot said:
Loving this thread. Everyone's photos and finds are kickass. Well done!
Here are a few shots from our recent trip to Costa Rica (Bahia Drake on the SW coast)
You win. All I have to say. 
My outdoor plants seem to be a favorite hangout for dragon and damselflies around now, including one little purple one. I will have pics once I get them used to my being there.