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The thread of Creepy Crawlies

Shorerider said:
I knew that we had quite a few of the top venomous snakes in the world, but that list is ridiculous. And it still doesn't keep the tourists away!!! :rofl:
Any other pictures like that for non-snakes?
cruzzfish said:
Any other pictures like that for non-snakes?
You mean like Box Jellyfish, Great White Sharks, Cone Snails, Stonefish, Blue Ringed Octopus, and other warm, fuzzy sea creatures?  :D
And that still leaves the innumerable invertebrate hordes that can kill you w/o even trying.  :rolleyes:
Geonerd said:
You mean like Box Jellyfish, Great White Sharks, Cone Snails, Stonefish, Blue Ringed Octopus, and other warm, fuzzy sea creatures?  :D
And that still leaves the innumerable invertebrate hordes that can kill you w/o even trying.  :rolleyes:
Lol ... Don't forget the Cassowary. Yep, we also have the most dangerous bird in the world!
Oh yeah, our kangaroos can bench press 300lbs. Checkout how buff this fella is:
I disagree on the cassowary. Most likely to be dangerous, but when a bird wants to become dangerous golden/bald eagles are worse. Those things chase bears away from their food.
cruzzfish said:
I disagree on the cassowary. Most likely to be dangerous, but when a bird wants to become dangerous golden/bald eagles are worse. Those things chase bears away from their food.
Yeah, it's definitely open for debate, for smaller critters, no doubt eagles are fearsome and extremely efficient predators but how many human attacks are attributed to eagles?
Cassowaries have a history of severely injuring and even killing humans.
nuclearDays said:
Yeah, it's definitely open for debate, for smaller critters, no doubt eagles are fearsome and extremely efficient predators but how many human attacks are attributed to eagles?
Cassowaries have a history of severely injuring and even killing humans.
That's more or less what I'm talking about. Eagles can fly, so they do that to get away. Cassowaries can't, so they have to fight.
A few shots of Jumping spiders having 'lunch'
Small jumper eating an even smaller jumper:

Jeez, talk about having a bad day. See those 2 little nuggets at the bottom of this shot. Well, that insect was just relaxing and having its morning crap and reading the newspaper and then ... BAM ... along comes a jumper to make a meal out of him:

This fly is 'in a world of hurt':

Check out the white goop coming out of this hapless insect as its body reacts to the venom of the jumper:
nuclearDays said:
A few shots of Jumping spiders having 'lunch'
Small jumper eating an even smaller jumper:

Jeez, talk about having a bad day. See those 2 little nuggets at the bottom of this shot. Well, that insect was just relaxing and having its morning crap and reading the newspaper and then ... BAM ... along comes a jumper to make a meal out of him:

This fly is 'in a world of hurt':
Check out the white goop coming out of this hapless insect as its body reacts to the venom of the jumper:

...but the treacherous little beasts look so cuddly.  :shocked:  Great shots as usual, ND.
A Syrphid Fly is what it looks like the spider attacked.
I guess hovering isn't a good thing where a hungry hopper hangs out.
OH NO,1 Good guy's eating good guys...
Oh well,we do the same thing at times. LOL
People eat things to get them what they want or need... :)
I like the creepy crawlies threads.
Pics are very cool.
And you're worried about the wasps..........Lol.

Nom, nom, nom.......

Good boy/girl.

Almost look like eggs?

Great pics ND, you must spend a lot of time in the garden. Or are these guys paid actors............I wonder?
Shorerider said:
And you're worried about the wasps..........Lol.
This is why I don't like wasps! This poor lil' spidey is still alive but is paralyzed. The wasp will drag it / fly it to its nest to feed the wasp larvae:

Shorerider said:
Almost look like eggs?
I dunno TBH, they may be.
Shorerider said:
Great pics ND, you must spend a lot of time in the garden. Or are these guys paid actors............I wonder?
Thanx m8. I do love my time in the garden but TBH, I haven't taken any macro shots for a good 6 months, I'm on a bird photography binge atm. The shots I'm posting are from my collection taken over the years, I'll just slowly post them up here :P
Shorerider said:
And you're worried about the wasps..........Lol.

One of those guys just descended behind me in the bathroom on web strand. Scared the crap out of me because the last spider that did that was a rather mean orb weaver. Turns out it was friendly, so now its waiting for a picture to be taken of it.
A few more jumping spider with prey shots.
This jumper is a male Opisthoncus polyphemus. They are probably the largest jumper we get around here @ approx. 1/2 inch long.
"The hunter becomes the hunted" - This Doli fly (I think) was just finishing off its meal when it became lunch for the jumper.

2 shots of another male Opisthoncus polyphemus proudly displaying its catch.
