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think this is just an orange hab?

hey guys, i've miss labled this plant, i thought it was a trinidad variety but it's looking more like a orange hab. strangely i am happy because i didn't think i planted any orange habs that stayed in my garden this year. what do you think? Sry for my crappy cellphone pictures, but my camera's battery is so bad by the time i take pictures upload them it's dead :|. so if you could take a look much appreciated will it be.

in true fashion small pic to a link of a bigger one for our broadband challenged.

first picture is the first one to start ripening it's at orange and is very solid. second one is the first chile on the plant and was 1/2 yellow yesterday, is now half orange.

Looks pretty habby to me! Might very well be one, unless you planted sth very similiar. It might still ripen to red.
sorry omri, it was supposed to be trinidad scorpion or 7pot as i labled the pot but i labled it wrong i would assume.

skyjerk, my early morning sarcasm is also undetectable. a : (. would have prolly swung the tide like:

phone doesn't have a focus. : (

the weird thing is the color of the orange.. it seems a bit dark to me ?! :| i donno i'm thinking of trying the little bitty orange one and seeing if the big ones changed color.. i'll take a better pic of the lil guy before i munch on it whole ( for skyjerk )
tasted sweet, no heat maybe it will continue to ripen or it is a mild hab variety i planted.. if it is mild they meant absolutly no heat, and there are no seeds which makes me think maybe it isn't done ripening
I am growing venezualan sweet habs and they kinda resemble those...no heat habs...whats the use?.... :lol: I am giving my three plants to my bosses boss cause he can't stand the heat...
teh purple penguins said:
the weird thing is the color of the orange.. it seems a bit dark to me ?! :| i donno i'm thinking of trying the little bitty orange one and seeing if the big ones changed color.. i'll take a better pic of the lil guy before i munch on it whole ( for skyjerk )

I have yet to eat a whole pepper. :mouthonfire:
No heat habs may come into use if you want the aroma, but less heat, you could just add the desired heat by using some other pods or sauce or.... A lot of people love the hab taste, might be quite useful for them. Given they taste like habs, I don't know, never had one of those...
sorry let me rephrase.

the habs i got were mild not heatless so if this is them i got a bunk tiddly one. but i don't think that this orange is the final color as the pod had no seeds unless it was a cross by the bees that didn't take(as i recall i think fatalii's website said that sometimes a fruit is made with no seeds in a cross, and i understand this pod isn't the product of a cross just the seedless nature)