• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

third turtle ranch: growth.......

Sven is our garden guard and only he knows what we have..............this is the first of our pics from our garden glog


BTW....the bandaid on Svens finger was put on him 40 years ago by my wife......
something to say about stuck on bandaid....bandaid stuck on you
Scovie named him
Hey sic

Watched that whole video. I've seen some courses around, just never hung around and watched 'em. Honestly, thought they were kinda lame. But, after watching, looked like something I would have really enjoyed with some of my old super-competitive friends. Now, I'd need a cart and post-game shoulder surgery!

Any wild hogs on that ranch?
Hey sic

Watched that whole video. I've seen some courses around, just never hung around and watched 'em. Honestly, thought they were kinda lame. But, after watching, looked like something I would have really enjoyed with some of my old super-competitive friends. Now, I'd need a cart and post-game shoulder surgery!

Any wild hogs on that ranch?
lots of people use carts and the older dudes start throwing with there other arm and also throwing whats called a "roller".

ive never seen a hog on this property but have seen them a mile down the road.
Did you find your Aji Lemon painfully slow growing? Also did you have any trouble with germination?

I had a hell of at time getting mine to germinate, AND stay alive.

Finally I ended up with 2 sprouts that are like a month old, and still look like they just sprouted yesterday. I haven't had other peppers act this way.
Plants are looking good there Sic. Are they all on the drip system or are you bottom/top watering some as well.
thanks and the only thing on drip line at the moment is 420 plants that are in the ground.im still working on the dream set up ;)

Did you find your Aji Lemon painfully slow growing? Also did you have any trouble with germination?

I had a hell of at time getting mine to germinate, AND stay alive.

Finally I ended up with 2 sprouts that are like a month old, and still look like they just sprouted yesterday. I haven't had other peppers act this way.
they sprouted fine they got stunted for a couple months but that was my fault. but they have quadrupled there growth in the last couple weeks. you can have one if you kill yours ;) if you want a few of these scorps also there yours they a foot tall waiting for someone to romance them.
Nice set up Sic. So the ones that are not on the drip how do you determine when to water and how much do you give them at a time?
depends on there size and what size buckets. im not sure i can give you a straight answer not all my medium is the same so lots of diffrent variables. the 5 gallons lots of time will go till they droop and then they get soaked. depending on where they are located and what there medium is,makes not a uniform situation. 1 gallon they get water when the bucket is light and they get filled with water 3 times. seedlings that are big get water twice a day and small ones get it once a day as long as there not overly wet. i have everything in sections depending on thier watering needs. so i can do just zones when i need to hand water. not sure i answered your question but i tried :rofl:
Holy shit, so just in scorps you have like 700? Not even to mention all your other various stuff.

You are gonna have to hire out to pick all those!

That is gonna be killer when its mid august here in fl, spending hours and hours in the field.

Sweet drip set up too BTW. Gettin fancy over there.
Holy shit, so just in scorps you have like 700? Not even to mention all your other various stuff.

You are gonna have to hire out to pick all those!

That is gonna be killer when its mid august here in fl, spending hours and hours in the field.

Sweet drip set up too BTW. Gettin fancy over there.
im putting another 140 in the ground on drip next week,it will total 832 in the ground all on drip :onfire:

in the shade house i have 168 in 1 gallon,and 166 in 5 gallon. so total scorps i will be growing 1166 scorpion plants.
other pepper plants in shade house at least 100 if i had to guess and like maybe 75 seedlings that will get the 1 gallon treatment in a 2-3 weeks?
the very few very small spots left on the ground where drip just couldnt get put in is all being used for veggies :dance: .
and as far as needing help. you can always come pick for peppers and beer ;)

Fancy is Sicman's middle name.

Sic Fancy Man.
thats mr fancy to you!!
thought yall might dig these pics? this would have been after ive beenon this property for nine months. so 17 months ago.

where you see cattle thats where my nursey is.

another pic same time frame. the nursery would be where the sun is sitting.
took a video but im not sure if im going to be able to load it? so while i try to figur something out here is two pics i just took.

mostly yellow brain,and a few douglah. they growing nice and fast :dance:

just thought this was a nice pic.

video coming "i hope"??????