• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

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Quick summary of what's going on:
  • ~150 plants
  • Two 1,000 watt HPS bulbs + two, 4' T5's
  • 5 different potting soils
  • ~30 over winters
  • Started most in January
  • Had terrible Aphid problems
  • Had terrible Fungus gnat problems
  • Habitual Over waterer
  • Perlite on surface to aide in Fungus gnat problem ~worked. + Bottom
  • They move outside last week of May.



















So what's the problem? They look good to me! Grow on, my friend!

But what's with the perlite in the Butch T trinidad scorp pic? It looks like it's been roasted!

+1 on the venus fly trap.... we keep killing them. Had a pitcher plant we killed too
So what's the problem? They look good to me! Grow on, my friend!

But what's with the perlite in the Butch T trinidad scorp pic? It looks like it's been roasted!

+1 on the venus fly trap.... we keep killing them. Had a pitcher plant we killed too

mostly all my bug problems and overwatering -- the vast majority of the plants look terrible from overwatering - edema, curling, etc.. My goal has always been to keep them alive -- apparently even that's a struggle. -- I've had ~20 seedling die off during the fungus gnat invasion. .. ~10 of my overwinters and ~5 seedlings die during my aphid infestation, three of my 4 DWC hydro plant died from some kind of root kill off.. .. so yeah - I've had my problems -- lol..

some of the plants had moist soil when I put the perlite on, I guess it wicked some of the color up.
APHIDS SUCK!!!! That always trips me out that indoor grows get bug problems... How in the world do they find their way in there?????? Good luck man, but from where I'm sitting, those plants look pretty good! You don't wanna see my little seedlings.... damn near killed them over the weekend. Brought them outside for some sun, spritzed them down with some epsom salt water, and the next morning a bunch of the cotyledons were burnt and shriveling. They're recovering slowly.

Maybe you'd resist watering so much if you put a humidifier in your grow room.... add a little peace of mind
FUNGUS GNATS SUCK WORSE!!!!! I've struggled with them on and off throughout the winter. I swear their larva is in every damn bag of top soil I buy form HD or Lowes. I have started 14 hydro plants this spring almost entirely because of the fungus gnats. Any of the plants that were struggling but still alive when the gnats were irradicated got dropped in a hydro bucket to recover. Now they are doing great, but it was a struggle for a while.
I too had a bad gnat problem, they suck :/ But I believe that's under control now and haven't seen dem around. Looks good, hope you keep your bug & watering problems under control and great luck/success in 2013 grow :)
FUNGUS GNATS SUCK WORSE!!!!! I've struggled with them on and off throughout the winter. I swear their larva is in every damn bag of top soil I buy form HD or Lowes. I have started 14 hydro plants this spring almost entirely because of the fungus gnats. Any of the plants that were struggling but still alive when the gnats were irradicated got dropped in a hydro bucket to recover. Now they are doing great, but it was a struggle for a while.

I don't think I've had to deal with those... thank goodness! They apparently do suck! My biggest ones were aphids, white flies, and cut worms. I'd wake up in the morning and find an entire plant stripped... and then see a cut worm so fat from gorging himself on my plant lying on top of the soil, too fat to move.... so I would impale him on a bamboo skewer and stand it in the soil as a warning to all of the other cut worms... Death will befall all who dare to dine here!!!
I don't think I've had to deal with those... thank goodness! They apparently do suck! My biggest ones were aphids, white flies, and cut worms. I'd wake up in the morning and find an entire plant stripped... and then see a cut worm so fat from gorging himself on my plant lying on top of the soil, too fat to move.... so I would impale him on a bamboo skewer and stand it in the soil as a warning to all of the other cut worms... Death will befall all who dare to dine here!!!
How barbaric, I like dat :)





Next week will be a good test for the greenhouse. Lows in the teens highs in the mid 20's with 50mph winds and 14"+ snow in the forecast. I think if it can withstand next week I'll be in the clear. Those are 55/33 gal barrels filled with water and covered in back plastic to act as a heat sink. I was trying to keep mine as temporary as possible, hence there are no doors. The arches are just stuck over a 5' piece of rebar, and the plastic is held down with 15"X15" path blocks all the way around. I have one rope going over the greenhouse anchored on each side with a couple 2' ground screws. Although I might add more.
No offense but OMG I'm so lucky living here .... I'd be like a fish out of sea but our kids would love it, hehe. Good luck with the green house ...
Nice snowstorm. We only get them like that once a decade. I'd be hitting the slopes hard if that were here. Your hoop house looks good and sturdy. Can't wait to see some plants in there! Good luck, stay warm and don't hurt yourself shoveling.