This Years Growlog, Massive List

(Pictures Coming Soon)
Every year the list of peppers i grow gets bigger and bigger and i do admit that i guess my addiction gets a little out of hand. I dread the winter time because if it was up to me i would grow all year :)
This years list is as follows with pics coming soon!!
1. Carolina Reaper - Grown from seeds i harvested and germinated on top of my fridge. Hoping that none got cross pollinated but if they did i could end up with a new variety which is a kind of exciting. It is by far one of my favorite peppers to grow although it is slow growing.
2. Devil's Tongue - I actually bought two of these plants from my local farmers market. I rarely buy grown seedlings but i just had to buy them. I am guessing they are a new Habanero variety that have a wicked looking fruit maturing from light green to golden yellow. The fruits are so twisted and freakish looking. I am for sure harvesting the seeds out of these plants this year.
3. Ghost Pepper - I just love the fruity flavor of the ghost pepper so i have to grow it. This pepper is one of the fruitiest/sweetest super hot peppers i have grown and i love the flavor. I grew these plants from harvested seeds as well.
4. Tabasco Pepper - I have been waiting a long time to grow this pepper and its my first time growing a pepper from this strain. I was surprised to see seed packs at my local Lowe's and i immediately grabbed them. They are a very ornamental plant as well but i really can't wait to make my own home made Tabasco Sauce. Just a bunch of these peppers, vinegar and salt.
5. Lemon Drop - I tried planting these seeds for two years now buying seed packs from Lowe's and every year i got a different plant. I'm not sure if they got cross pollinated or if it was a simple packing error at the plant. This year they came in a different looking package so, not to say it fixed the problem but i am hoping they did. It's one of the few peppers with a lemony/citrus flavor so i can't wait to make a sauce with these peppers :)
6. Caribbean Red - A red Habanero variety that i grow every year due to its hotter and fruitier flavor. I love growing this pepper but did have some mixed seeds from the packs over the years.
7. Orange Habanero - Got to love the staple Habanero that i have been growing for years. I use it for hot sauces and i make a paste to use as a spread for sandwiches. Basically i use this pepper for everything because i love the pungent flavor of it.
8. Cayenne Pepper (long slim) - I love this pepper to use as a base for sauces or i dry them and make chili pepper flakes with them. Only flavor they have is heat so it's a good pepper for sauces. Good all around pepper and produces a lot of fruit.
9. Chocolate Beauty Bell Pepper - I just got to have a couple bell pepper plants because i love the sweetness. This is a new variety that matures to a deep purple or chocolate color and they are said to be very sweet.
So far that is this years grow list. They are all germinated and are in the slow growing seedling stage. I am growing using all organic soil and i have added in my standard mix of Perilite and Vermiculite to assist in root development. I am not going to fertilize until they are all 6" tall but i am using all organic fertilizers. I'll be using a All Purpose for the first month and a half, i'll be adding some bone meal during the first signs of flowering then i'll be using a organic vegetable fertilizer high in potassium during the end months. I'll be posting pictures soon when the plants mature a little more but i can't wait to share my G-log with all of you. I just get a thrill and excitement out of it :) 
Thanks and enjoy  
Thanks everyone and yes pics are coming soon, i am just waiting to get a better phone because mine is a little messed up at the moment.
I am very excited about this year and being busy wont bother me at all because to me this is a passion and i just love growing peppers :) I've been growing peppers for about 10 years now and i think i'll be doing this till i'm 70 years old lol.
All of my seedlings are in my little green house on the side of the house now all nice and organized and they are all germinated.
This year i got also got some fresh herbs growing (Oregano, Peppermint, Cilantro, Parsley, Rosemary, Mammoth Dill, Sweet Basil, Genovese Basil, and some Purple Basil), also some Deluxe Radishes (Mixed Blend), Matador Spinach, and All Season Romaine Lettuce. I plan to use some of the fresh herbs and radishes to make a hot sauce. Only fresh ingredients go into my sauces and its exciting to use all my own home grown herbs and veggies so i simply can't wait.
I will keep everyone updated and I've also noticed i put this post in Growing Hot Peppers instead of the G-Log section so once i get some pictures ready i will supply a link in here to my G-Log section of the forum soon.
Thanks everyone.
Sorry for the delay in updates, the weather here in North Carolina is always something to contend with as we've been having all this tropical moisture rain coming up the coast. I literally haven't seen the sun in almost three weeks but all my plants are doing great none the less. Since i got them all in pots i find myself moving them around a lot and it can get very time consuming.
I got some problems with stretchy loose stems but i attribute that to little or no direct sunlight for almost a month. Mostly all my plants are making buds and i got some setting fruit so i am very happy at this point i am just a little worried about the stems not gaining strength. Over the years the stems on my peppers always got strong enough to were i never had to steak them but i feel once they get a little bigger they will fix them selves. 
I still haven;t got a good enough camera yet to take the pics but they will be coming soon. Once i get pics i will post it in the g-log section with constant updates.