¿Those little hats?

On 3 of my little seedlings I have noticed what I think is the seed stuck to the top of the seedling. What do you do about that if anything?
I have a very steady hand and like to perform micro surgery on the hats but I'd generally recommend you just leave it or dampen it a bit and they usually work themselves off
You could try to mist the seedling very well and try to the get the seed cap of with tweezers witch might kill it, or just don't do anything. The cotyledons will fall off after a while anyway.
I've noticed that if they stay on too long the leaves get stunted, which seems to affect the plant thereafter. I began doing like AJ and planting the seeds further down to 1/2" so the soil can pull them off, and now rarely have a problem.
Thank Yall all for the knowledge. Next season I will probably do the ½ inch thing. Next season I am going to start much differently than this time. Alabama Jack dont realize it yet but he is going to volunteer to be my pepper mentor. Dont anybody tell him yet though.

Josh is going to be my Isolation specialest.
it's generally known to sow seeds at least 1/2" deep so that the seedling can jettison the seed pod.if the seedling emerges with the pod over the cotyledons it's a good idea to let it throw off the pod on it's own, as fiddling with tweezers etc can & usually will, damage the seedling/tear one or more cotyledons off, or halve the cotyledon.
i usually leave it until there's no choice but to interfere, whereupon the seedling's prob bu**ered anyway & i'll need to sow more.
I've decapitated more seedlings than i've helped, trying to remove it. And they usually come off on their own.

I usually leave it till it looks like it's working its way off, then have a bit of a go at it. DO NOT PULL. Instead i find squeezing it along it's long axis works well as it opens it up, sort of like folding a box flat then squishing it together from the ends.
Well, so far I have left them alone and kept my eye on them. I just put the seeds on top of the soil and sprinkled a little seed starter on top of them. I will plant them a little deeper next time.
I had a few this year as well. I planted a little too shallow. Some were just barely hanging on while 2 were completely covering the leaves. Usually the leaves will throw it off on its own, but if it is covering the leaves completely, I will help (or try to at least). ;) I mist the seed coat a couple times a day for a day or two until it is soft enough to slide off easily. I did decapitate 1 though.:( Luckily I had extras.

Leave them alone and stop fretting. All these seeds fell off in a few days under their humidity cap.


Mine stayed on until I could see the formation of true leaves. I decided at that point that I needed to perform surgery. I did said surgery. All seedlings are fine. No seedlings were hurt in this episode. I do appreciate the help I recieved and the advice.