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THP PC builders Unite!!!

QQ- I can tell that you're a gamer. The only game I'm interested in REALLY playing is Mechwarrior Online. Will this setup do it? [I know I'm over the min required by enough.] And the GPU is overclocked to 1.2 GHz.... stable. Thanks EVGA Precision X software.

And it's running ~60degC under load for hours. I leave Folding@home running when I go to sleep.
This thread has me wanting to build another gaming PC. Unfortunately I haven't been in tune with the latest tech for like 5 years now and have no idea where to start.
In highschool and college I would build pcs but now that I'm older all I do is Internet and photoshop. Storage servers are more important and I hardly game.
Thanks Alphaeon. My guru did mention the Corsair liquid cooling system. He's running a system like that on his machine. I'll debate with him the Pros and Cons. Right now I'm just in hurry up and wait mode. I need the case to install the MB so I can take measurements just to see if that Cooler Master 212+ will even fit. It's a beast. Right now everything is stuck in transit (in Orlando) for the holiday. It could possibly show up tomorrow, but it's scheduled for the 3rd.


NP... understand the anticipation also :party: Big boxes are slowly becoming a niche product now a days. But how about 95k a year to build them?!?

QQ- I can tell that you're a gamer. The only game I'm interested in REALLY playing is Mechwarrior Online. Will this setup do it? [I know I'm over the min required by enough.] And the GPU is overclocked to 1.2 GHz.... stable. Thanks EVGA Precision X software.

And it's running ~60degC under load for hours. I leave Folding@home running when I go to sleep.

it may run that game fine, however im not familiar with mech warrior at all.
if you are buying now, i would get at least a 660 ti. yea its double your card, but its like double the performance. but remember new stuff will be out in like march.
if you play at 1080 or lower i don't see how that card couldn't max out any game out at the moment. if you play at 1440, defiantly consider a 680 or 670.
dont go sli, its just stupid wasteful. if you want to spend a ton on a gpu, just buy a 690 or its 7 series equivalent. however, before doing so... buy a pair of 30" 2560x1600 monitors because that's what its going to take to max it out.

you might look at ati cards like the 7870, i dont know anything about them at the moment. ive been on nvidia for 3 cards now.
The case came in today. This morning via FedEx. Pulled it out of the box and snapped a few photos while it was still empty. (Well, relatively empty... it came with some fans and the wiring to the front panel.)


Opened up. Yeah, that's the biggest fan I've ever seen in a computer.


Access to the back plate of the MB. The other panel is just as easy to remove.


Then I dug in and slowly started adding the guts. The MB & CPU. The large capacity HDDs are in the upper 3.5" bays. Might be hard to tell.


The memory showed up via USPS this afternoon/evening. It's now sitting pretty in their proper slots.


So far, so good. I love the cable management system this case has. Everything managed through the "backside" panel. Really clean.
Nice topic Sum! I'm not computer guy, but I see this could help a lot newbs and a lot of experianced computer savor folks. I'll keep an eye on it for sure and if its cool with eveyone, ask a ton of questions. In the future I plan on getting a gaming computer for myself, but building my be better as I could customize it the way I want. I also plan on a computer for whatever the mrs. Feels is important to her :rolleyes: :)
In highschool and college I would build pcs but now that I'm older all I do is Internet and photoshop. Storage servers are more important and I hardly game.

Can't believe I missed this entry. That's part of what this build is about. Moving my storage into a fan cooled case. You'll laugh, but this is/was the current configuration:


And thanks TLM for the talk and the links. That was a real help.
I have a dell 2900 I use myself. 8 bays 2tb each. I don't care about raid levels I just span the volume to 1 disk and store on there. I do run a DC and a couple other vms off it too
For the install of Windows on the SSD for the updated build, here's the main reason I see you may want to consider Windows 8 over Windows 7.

Seeing as you've already done the musical chairs with your files among your hard disks, you may want to keep away from "Storage Spaces" altogether. Though it may be your best option to consider redundancy for the storage you've already got.

On an immediate downside, there's no (current) Microsoft-built "Virtual XP" for Win8 like there is for Win7. You can always consider VirtualBox or VMWare if you want to run XP-only apps inside of Win8, but it's just a little more setup/prep work to get it going. I don't know if you still need to run any XP apps, though, but its still a consideration.
For the install of Windows on the SSD for the updated build, here's the main reason I see you may want to consider Windows 8 over Windows 7.

Seeing as you've already done the musical chairs with your files among your hard disks, you may want to keep away from "Storage Spaces" altogether. Though it may be your best option to consider redundancy for the storage you've already got.

On an immediate downside, there's no (current) Microsoft-built "Virtual XP" for Win8 like there is for Win7. You can always consider VirtualBox or VMWare if you want to run XP-only apps inside of Win8, but it's just a little more setup/prep work to get it going. I don't know if you still need to run any XP apps, though, but its still a consideration.

I'd rather do it through a controller, I've never trusted spanning volumes through the OS especially something as finicky as windows. If I'm going to use software to span volumes I'd rather use OpenFiler or something that isn't also the computer that I'm browsing the internet on.
Okay, checked out the Corsair H100 liquid cooling system. I like the idea that it fits in the top exhaust fan bay... as the radiator only. I could figure out a way to mount the dual fans that it comes with underneath it in the case, but I wouldn't be able to use every mounting point from what I can tell. [It looks like the radiator and the fans would be using the same mounting holes from what I gather from the video.]

This thought comes about because I don't want to deal with taking the CPU mounting bracket off the motherboard and replacing it with whatever that Cooler Master 212+ would give me.
Yep, I thought that was brilliant. I am not a pure power kind of guy... I like to see how cheap and easy I can do things. I am looking into building a greenhouse automation/security system with a Pi and a few Arduinos.
if the gtx 670 was out when i built my computer, i would a totally made a micro atx gaming rig. the 670 is like... a sound card, its so cool.
680 tho... is a big beast, 2x the size and marginally faster.
I hear you TheGhost. When I saw that video a couple months back it got me thinking. It's inexpensive and tiny. Perfect for hooking your main TV up with internet access, at least. This made me think of a buddy of mine who's house was broken into (what seems like recently, but it was probably more than a year ago.) The main things taken were all the small electronics, including an expensive laptop.

Imagine a Raspberry Pi in a hot-glue gunned, slapped together cardboard box. No one would think of taking that!
Well, I haven't bought a ready made since 1999 or so.
Currently running amd/radeon setup on an Asus ROG board.
6 core cranked up to 3.7 on liquid cooling and 16 GB DDR3 @ around 2100
Have a nice solid cooler master cosmos full tower that has held my last 3 or 4 builds, and it's current complement contains 10 TB of drives.

Nothing in the last year has convinced me to upgrade, and only waiting for SSD's to drop enough to be practical in large configs.

I build 6 months to a year behind "state of the art".
1. most of the bugs are fixed and the patches are stable.
2. Costs 1/2 as much.
lol how many gpu's do you have in that?

those asus rog products are so insane. what was that card they made that was literally like 9 lbs and 3 slots.