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video Time lapse video - putting out some peppers in outdoor quasi-hydroponics setup

Finally got out a whole mess of my pepper seedling. About 250-300 are going to go out this year. Today were some ChocoHabs, Bhut Jolokias, Bih Jolokias, Red Savinas, Serranos, Three types of Scorpions, 7-Pots and a couple other random varieties.

This technique works pretty darn well and I really scaled it up this year. Hopefully all will go well. Tubes are a tightly-woven polypropylene stuffed with a mix that has Coir, perlite, 'designer' zeolite, peat, specific lime, shake of vermiculite and a couple other "secret ingredients". Drip tape is either embedded in the tube or zip tied above the tube. Upstream is a nutrient injector that runs off a solar sensor and runs through a solid state controller. Nutrients are homemade, based off of LeChatelier's formula.

A big bonus is I don't have to worry about weeding since seeds can't germinate on the outside of the tubes. The tubes are strong enough so that I just walk up and down them with a weed wacker every once in a while and that is it!

Best part of it is that I can adjust the moisture in the root zone so when these home down the home stretch, I can run 25%-35% moisture content consistently and I've found it REALLY turns the heat on for all varieties.

Should be some insane yields this year. Got my fingers crossed!


Anyone know how to get the video to embed??

The link to youtube is here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=31trLDcycXg