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off-topic Time Travel?

So now that the whiskey is definately getting the better of me, I have this need to know if I am crazy. I discussed this with IGG briefly in another thread a long time ago, but here goes for everyone. Have any of you heard the story of John Titor? If so do you believe it? If you haven't heard it, check this out http://www.johntitor.com/

The site layout kind of sucks if you ask me, but the story is incredible. I pride myself on not buying into these far out type of things but this one has had my brain tied in knots for years. If you get a minute read the story of John at the site and let me know what you think. Its almost too real to be fake.....I dunno. Ok, ok enough rambling.....check it out!
I'm just waiting for the Cern Large Hadron Collider to open up mini blackholes in the earth and possibly end all life. :D


http://lhc-machine-outreach.web.cern.ch/lhc-machine-outreach/ said:
LHC - the aim of the exercise:
To smash protons moving at 99.999999% of the speed of light into each other and so recreate conditions a fraction of a second after the big bang. The LHC experiments try and work out what happened.

Seriously..they don't actually know what will happen when it goes full-power later this year. Fun, eh?

Time travel, shmime travel. I've done it...many people have.

When I flew from Japan back to the States, I arrived back home several hours before I left Okinawa. I was afraid to call the barracks, because I just might answer the phone!
Here's one for you.

Humans invented the chicken scratches we call Time so that we could keep track of things and make sense of the Universe.

Yet, it was obviously around long before we were.

So, what was it before we named it?

Does something need to be named in order to exist in our reality?

How do you know though?

Try thinking of something without a name. ;)

(ok, theoretically, there are things that are thought to exist, but even then we tend to name them.)
Theres something not quite right about what would happen to an atom if it were moving > c

Im of course presuming that time travel would involve such speeds. CERN BTW achieves its data by creating an impact speed >c
Well, I just spent about 30 minutes on that link. There are a lot of anomalies with his "predictions", but they could be interpreted in all kinds of different ways.

The 2nd US Civil war should be going on right now. It was supposed to last from 2006 - 2012. But, the country is divided right now...politically.

I guess the big thing that gets me is that there no new posts. The newest anything was posted is from 2004.

Now, I saw somewhere that mathematically, it's possible (due to an atomic impact) that sub particles could be able to arrive on the other side of the shockwave at the same time the impact occurred. In other words the sub-particles (on paper) could be two places at once. Is that time travel? MMmmmmmm, it depends on who you talk to.
Oh....another thing...just to get you thinking.

Time travel to the past (however far) would be improbable. Reason being, you need to be able to access the device that got you there in the first place. So...you want to see dinosaurs? Pack some matches and be good at hunting and running.
According to theory, time travel isn't like driving a car. More like the trasnporter in Star Trek, but you need a transporter room at both locations.
DevilDuck said:
According to theory, time travel isn't like driving a car. More like the trasnporter in Star Trek, but you need a transporter room at both locations.

so technically, according to that theory, one can only travel back as far as the machine was invented......well......that sure takes the fun out of it now doesn't it. damned laws of time travel physics!
gardenkiller said:
so technically, according to that theory, one can only travel back as far as the machine was invented......well......that sure takes the fun out of it now doesn't it. damned laws of time travel physics!

You can't make a phone call to the moon until there's phone on it. Sometimes the limit is far below what we can imagine....
thats what I liked about the 60s...I took several trips and never left the farm...
Obviously, your mind made it back safe and sound! Not everyone can say that of himself...

"I woke up this mornin with the sundown shinin in
I found my mind in a brown paper bag within
I tripped on a cloud and fell-a eight miles high
I tore my mind on a jagged sky"
I have some writing and drawings I did back then in my wilder days...wonder where I stored (stashed) them....ahhhhhhhhh....days of nostalgia..
I'm lucky to have some memories of the wild days. I didn't draw or write anything, I kinda regret this nowadays. Would be cool to have some music I/we recorded while being "on the road"...! It never crossed my mind - damnit!