• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!

To All Members - Please Read

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not on this thread frosty...this thread was not really meant to do anything except bring up the point of people being rude to one another...and how annoying it is....
there are 6746 members and the site rules only had 3268 hits. maybe toons should have to read the rules before they can ever post? im sure that can be set up some way,and yes i know toons would just click it and click out but im sure more would read them,maybe? anyways right on A.J.!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. i did read the site rules before i ever made my first post
thanks for posting this AJ, i was trying to be positive in one of the threads and instantly had a lynch mob after me because I was trying to get people to see things from a different perspective. The feeling I got from that made me want to delete/forget about this profile and not look back on THP. Hopefully people read this... i feel like it should be sent out as a mass PM
This is my new favorite topic.

I haven't been a member here that long - 7 months is all...but this community quickly became my favorite place on the web for the members. In the process of launching a business there are various resources one can access, but having access to people who'd been through what I was going through who were generous with their time & information was extremely helpful to me and something I now try to pay forward at every opportunity.

There was a lot of harmony, and if someone was making a smart-ass remark, everyone pretty much understood that it was a smart ass remark and a flame war didn't erupt over it. If someone put me down for my love of grilled pineapple, I knew you didn't have a problem with me personally but were just cracking wise. That's a community.

I've popped into dozens of topics lately because the title sounded interesting and all I'd see are a bunch of whiners getting butt hurt because their precious ego couldn't handle someone else correcting them, or because they can't take a joke though dishing it out doesn't seem to be an issue.

There are genuinely offensive things being said and people genuinely getting pissed at each other and starting flame wars lately and it's enough already - this is a great topic as I think it really expresses what a lot of us have been talking about privately for a while now.

I am a smartass by nature - 41 years in I don't think I'm likely to change any time soon. But if I ever say anything that genuinely offends anyone, you officially have my permission to send me a PM, and tell me it offended you and I will immediately apologize. I'm sure others are the same way because this community is filled with terrific people.

I actually just had an experience that demonstrates this: on Twitter I got like 5 SPAM messages. The one where it says "someone's saying bad things about you!" with a link to SPAM. After the 5th I finally cracked and wrote "go F yourself!" - turned out to be a THP member that I didn't even know was following me. That member did not at the time know he'd been hacked, and was (rightfully) pissed. And he could have easily started a topic here saying "don't support LDHS, he's an a-hole, he told me to go F myself, blah blah blah!" - but instead he was a man about it and sent me a PRIVATE message here and I immediately wrote back to explain what happened and apologized for any offense I might have caused. And we got over it, like grown ups.

My suggestion to new members - Spend some time on the forums - a lot of them. Read some posts. Get a feel for the community. There are a ton of great people here. If you check out the topics and find yourself getting angry or offended or annoyed, simply log out and don't come back. Clearly the community is not going to change to suit your personality, so maybe it's not the community for you.

Don't come in gangbusters expecting to have 10,000 new friends just because 10,000 people are online. Some people will like you. Some people won't. It's a microcosm of society. Some folks will laugh at your jokes, some won't. It's not a popularity contest, it's a place to meet people and learn things and have fun.

Which brings me to maybe the most important one: lighten the F up! I don't know about y'all, but I work 50 hours a week at my day job, and I'm starting a business on the side. When I come to THP, I do it for FUN. I do it because folks here are interesting and funny people who post here for fun and often crack me up and occasionally seem to appreciate my zany antics - and that's it! I initially came here looking for pointers on my hot sauces from the in-house reviewers. but ended up finding a community of people who share a passion for something I am deeply passionate about (not like that you sick perverts) - and it's light-hearted entertainment.

If you're coming here for anything other than fun, friendship, hot pepper talk, hot sauce talk or because you think it's a good community to be a part of, then you probably won't be satisfied. So why hang around? Go find a place where it's about ego and dominance and alpha behavior where you can be a tough guy or a big dog or whatever the hell you're looking for.

There's my n00b rant.

Great topic AJ. Thank you 1,000,000 for starting it.
I'm just gonna say this as it is and I know y'all have heard it before... and I'm prolly preaching to the choir....

opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink.

If a person can't take something said on the forum as someone's opinion and -take it or leave it- on an internet forum....then there are probably more pressing issues in that person's life that should deal with.

It's an internet forum, it's not the end of the world..... :rolleyes:...... and in the words of my (2nd) most favorite Eagles song.....

Well said AJ. I got hooked on this site because on my very first visit, every post I viewed was full of support on generosity. Everyone eager to help each other out with seeds and advice on everything from soil to light setup. More an more topics lately I find myself wondering how many potential new members are reading then leaving the site never to come back. Hope everyone heeds your advise AJ. Thank you for posting this!
Ima ambien posting.

Ima talk smal=kage about all of yall!

VCelchitech! And YUU2 I mean it.

Come a to Jesus meeting amd make some killer tacios.

With queso and los choriseco's the official tema of toluca!

I need a pillow....
My take on this is not so much if one can take it or not, it's that we're all adults here and should act like it. We don't all know each other personally and replying with sarcastic remarks is not in the best interest of this forum.

I have a freind that likes to joke arounf alot, he's a dmn good guy. I also have a freind that's always serious and he's also a damn good guy. But put both of these good guys in the same room for the first time meeting each other and one of them will end up getting killed.

As adults, one should first respect one another, once you get to know them, then respond accordingly. It's easier for someone that's been here a while to restrain from being sarcastic than to tell a new member to stick around for a month and take a beating while you're at it just so you can feel at home. That's BS.

Real life is all about respect, respect is earned, you don't earn respect by being sarcastic all the time or putting down new members. If being on the internet makes that different for you, then I have zero respect for you because I still see a real person on the other side of an internet connection. This is where the problem lies...it's easy to be rude and sarcastic on the internet.

So, again, this isn't about being able to hack it or not, this is exactly what Aj is talking about, trying to avoid all the BS and arguments and that isn't gonna happen if people think one should just roll with it. Not everybody is about joking around, some people just want real answers to their real questions and like AJ asked, if you can't give that, then just STFU and stay out of that thread.

Joke around with the people you know instead of expecting everybody to just roll with it cause honestly, I guarantee you that not everybody is gonna roll with it. If you want to disregard the feelings or personalities of those that are more serious, then I guess you aren't too much of a decent human being.

Plus, the point isn't just about rolling with it, it's about avoiding all unnecessary posts that have crap to do with the OP's post.

I'll give some people some credit though...they know how to throw in some sarcasm without making it seem like it's BS crap. But then again, there are different kinds of sarcasm.


By the way, great post, Alabama Jack! I couldn't agree with you more.
LilCholo's right in there.

It's easy to fall into a rhythm with frequent members. We actually know what's going on in their/our lives, sometimes more than their/our real life families do. We post in multiple threads and reference other threads that others may not be able to follow.

It's about respect, and it's about knowing when to click away. If you're in a bitchy mood, post something on your status, or start a thread in The Lounge. Don't harange a noobie because they don't know which fluorescent bulb to get....

If you DO KNOW which fluorescent bulb to buy....feel free to share!!! or not ~~~~ but don't be snide because the noobie doesn't know which bulb to buy. Most likely, we've all been in a noobie situation of some sort at some time. (if not, then you're probably the age of snacksandsuch and WILL BE in that situation at some time in the future! )

5K members and going strong. It's a good site.

FTR- luv snacksnsuch~~~
I'm a n00b,errrr newb. One of those. I think that is one of the most idiotic terms I have ever heard. I have been here a year or so? I am not really sure to be perfectly honest with you.I carry myself here,as I would in "real life"... Is there such a thing anymore? Respect,morals,good judgement... These are not things contingent upon your join date or number of posts. I read this stuff and ask "Did these folks not have teenage years?" I see just as many smarmy,troublemaking "long in the tooth" members here...is that proper terminology? Excuse my "gnu"bness. You all are probably sick of hearing me say this... "If people on the internet are making you angry,you may need some spiritual guidance." Sow a seed,fire up the grill,try a new recipe and share it! Isn't that why we are here?
Just responding to a couple of different things i've read, not any one specific person...

On the Internet some pissing contests are 1-sided. That's called trolling.

There is nothing wrong with being new - correct. (heck, I'm still new)

Respect is something earned - also correct. (generally can't demand it without paying it first though)

Those are all true. Equally true however is that credibility and reputation are both byproducts of participation & time.

You can't force people to give you either - those (like respect) are earned. Some people have a very odd way of trying to bypass the process of establishing credibility & thus end up with a different kind of rep.

Just a few months ago I felt comfortable in every topic. Now I see certain names and simply don't participate - their reputation for starting shit preceeds them.

And like I said - I'm a n00b too. I don't claim to deserve respect, though I'd like to think that through both actions & words I've established some credibility. The difference is that I never demanded either as some seem bent on doing.

I was a moderator at a fantasy sports community for a decade - believe me when I say I've "seen it all" - the community grew from 500 members to about 8000 while I was there and we had plenty of growing pains just like this.

And while true that being a member for a long time doesn't necessarily mean they're not a jerk, they all deserve a little respect as they have credibility. And they're long-time members because they "get it".

IMO, part of the problem here is the very notion of "being disrespected" - which both here and in real life is one of the dumbest possible reasons to get into a fight, because regardless of whether someone truly intended to "disrespect" you, words can't hurt you. So your reaction is 100% controllable. The issue online in that regard is people selectively interpreting posts. If one person cracks wise it's funny - if someone else cracks wise it's "hurtful" or "offensive" and "disrespectful". The solution to that is simple: don't respond to the posts you feel cross a line. If they're truly offensive, report them. But be sure to read the rules ablut reporting and don't report people just because you're being overly sensitive.

And if you think the majority of things people say to you are disrespectful, then again, this likely isn't the community for you.

I follow the lead of the mods and senior members here - the majority of whom are both funny and snarky. This community was like that long before I got here and I imagine it'll be like that long after I'm gone. So if that's not your thing, it's simple - leave. Because crying about it won't change it, and unless someone specifically and deliberately insults you, the fact is that you're overreacting by crying "disrespect!".

$.02 more cents from a n00b.
I think we have beat this dead horse enough...

Is it possible for a moderator to "Lock" this thread....please?
I'm a n00b,errrr newb. One of those. I think that is one of the most idiotic terms I have ever heard.

",errrr newb"

Anytime someone uses "errr" in their writing.......nevermind ;)

There is a lot of new terms that are out. Noob is one I like to use here and there, why not stay up with the times? It is a term used to describe a beginner or someone that is not informed.

*I am not calling anyone noob here*

If I was called "noob" I would figure out why and learn that subject to then not be called "noob". I used to think I knew it all and made a fool of myself arguing with a botanist using my opinions rather then science. Then I learned I was a "noob" and from that moment I learned a great deal.

Everyday I try to learn so please do call me "noob" then correct me because i want to learn.


constructive criticism :clap:

Science :clap:
There is some problems, but even in this thread you can see some symptons. They manifest themselves and are cultivated.

But it has gotten worse lately.
",errrr newb"

Anytime someone uses "errr" in their writing.......nevermind ;)

There is a lot of new terms that are out. Noob is one I like to use here and there, why not stay up with the times? It is a term used to describe a beginner or someone that is not informed.

*I am not calling anyone noob here*

If I was called "noob" I would figure out why and learn that subject to then not be called "noob". I used to think I knew it all and made a fool of myself arguing with a botanist using my opinions rather then science. Then I learned I was a "noob" and from that moment I learned a great deal.

Everyday I try to learn so please do call me "noob" then correct me because i want to learn.


constructive criticism :clap:

Science :clap:
great post. I call myself a n00b all the time. I think what you're getting at is humility - never hurts to be a little humble. :cheers: I've learned a lot starting a business, so I try to help where I can - but I'm always careful to say that I am not an expert, just relating my experiences. The minute you think you know it all you close your mind to learning. So could not agree with you more. Also relates to something I said above about interpretation. Some might be offended by being referred to as a n00b. For that reason I don't call people n00bs - but I'll call myself one all day. :woohoo:
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