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Today versus Yesterday

Okay, first let me inject you with some worthless unforgetable knowledge then let you carry on and view the images.

Starting around this time of year, a lot of Canadians get the urge to travel abroad;. Lots of various reasons.

Some travel to the carribean islands, the americas, southern USA including hawaii, europe, asia, australia is popular, seems like almost everywhere but here but it is for the most part because of warmth.

But why would any Canadian want to leave this beautiful country, look here at yesterday, approximately 12:30pm, just after some lunch. I was doing some yard work, trimming the last of outdoor herbs(lemon thyme, silver thyme, common oregano and greek oregano), knowing that I have to winterize the yard soon, mother nature will speak and her words of a typical Canadian winter will be spoken. The sun is shining, its bright and the temperature is about 8C with no wind and very pleasant - I was out in a "T" shirt, just a lovely fall day.


So, move ahead 24 hours and mother nature spoke but her words were rather harsh. That's my youngest daughter, the older daughter is in the house playing on her computer, probably watching Hanna Montana or something similar that 11 year olds watch, maybe watching the latest Jason Beaver video on Youtube singing his latest song(I might have gotten the kid's name wrong but I am sure you'll figure it out). No, its not a holiday, no they are not sick, you see, this morning their school bus never showed up to take them to school. Was it because we live in a remote rural region of Canada only seen by native peoples or some european explorer and the bus couldn't make it through the blazen forest trail - nope, couldn't be, we live in a typical urban Canadian city, actually one of Canada's largest cities(5th largest to be exact, with a population of approximately 1 million plus people). Every home has electricity, clean running water, natural gas, cable/satellite TV, highspeed internet, cellular mobility available to all, flush sewage that is pumped underground to a sewage treatment centre based on the latest technologies known to mankind. The city has a full infrastructure of paved roads with major highways, full city transit with buses running every 15 - 30 minutes, a semi rapid rail transit to shuttle commuters into the downtown core to work in the many highrise office structures. I don't want to leave out our world class healthcare system with several hospitals or our almost free education system up to university, we do have to pay for school busing because my girls live outside the walk zone, if we really wanted to, we could walk 30 minutes and be at the school.

...nope, none of those, here's why:


No, the dog is not an American Husky looking to be attached to its sled team, its a sheltie/eskimo mix looking to play and roll in the snow.

Thanks for reading..........guess summer/fall is officially over.
Oi, at least it isn't deep yet

This is the first installment and it just keeps piling up from here on in, the ground is so cold(actually frozen solid) no melt occurs now until spring.

Please keep it up there

Not under my control but the weather channel said the northwesternlies will start taking this front to Nebraska, hmmm, which member of THP lives in Nebraska? Listening to his weather channel, they would most likely call it an Alberta clipper.

I like the name Jason Beaver but it is probably Justin Bierber

you got it, you're up to date on the latest teen issues but its my job as a dad to be quirky, you should see the girls reaction when I mention Lady GooGoo in front of their friends or my favourite female country singer Carrie Underwear - that makes their little faces turn red.

snow sucks.....

Its all I have known, no snow in the summer, snow in the winter - except when my parents owned a place in Port Richey, Florida - we would fly down several times a year, clearwater beach,nice. Actually, what sucks it shoveling the snow, which I have to go out and do again....my aching back!
What a contrast and a quick one at that. Just remember that out time is coming. Today it is cold and raining here. I would almost take the snow over rain. At least with the snow it gives you something to look at and given the gumption, you can play in it. The rain...just sucks.
I agree, the fall/winter rain sucks big time, the dark grey sky is just depressing. I will have actual snowfall for another few days, then the sun will come out, it won't melt the snow because of the constant cold. I do really like a fresh summer rain though, the smell and ionic feeling is just spiritual.

oh another piece of worthless information, vehicles, all season tires actually means 3 season tires and winter is not included, you have to install winter tires in the winter.
Best Thanksgiving I ever had was drinking beer around the pool in my dad's back yard in Tampa, FL.

Thank you, Jimmy Buffett!
Actually, what sucks it shoveling the snow, which I have to go out and do again....my aching back!
I have a snowplow service, but it's still not 100% reliable - I hate shoveling snow as I have a pretty long driveway - takes me most of a day to get it cleared when it's up to my hips. Ugh! We don't usually get it much higher than that, but I am completely astounded that people live in places where it regularly does.
Thank you, Jimmy Buffett
Jimmy was in Calgary, I think 2 years ago, he still tours, I didn't go see him but had older neighbours that did and they were totally entertained, Tom Petty was here but getting tickets was next to impossible, regardless of your age, Tom Petty is one of those iconic musicians who has seen it all- I especially love the Traveling Wilberries(hope I spelt it correct). All the major big time bands hit Calgary at some point in time. I listen to Jimmy and don't care if its in fashion or not but then again, I listen Roger Whittaker, Gordon Lightfoot and yes, I have listen to Bob Marley since I was 14 years old and saw him in Toronto - I think......flashback. But to get back on track, Bush gardens, 3 free glasses of beer, or that's what it use to be.

I just showed the snow because it hits early here, I remember as a boy in south western Ontario, Canada, the snow was so deep at times that crawling up to the roof of the house was easy, my dad would make it hard, how, just by his look, the look if you attempted it expect your ass to get warmed up.... and not by the furnace.

Our snow should hit about 3 feet max but then the cold moves in, cold that our friends in Minnesota would understand(okay eastern Alaska- I can't speak for Sweden as I haven't studied their weather patterns), when posting I also try to think of our other friends in other parts of the world, thus my verbose, setting the stage information.
I actually miss the snow (not the work associated with it) grew up in the mtns. at 6000 ft. Loved the snow days with no school, one storm got 5 ft in 24 hours and out of school for a week. Kickin back in front of the fire with a pot of soup on the stove and watching it snow doesn't get much better than that.

That's quite a change in 24 hrs. but you're in the north country BC
Kickin back in front of the fire with a pot of soup on the stove and watching it snow doesn't get much better than that.
Yesterday, before the storm I made a big pot of soup, diced pork, diced rutabegar & carrotts, onion, garlic, ginger, celery, fennel seed, sage, fenugreek, chopped kale, homemade rhubarb wine and other odds & ends. Oh I forgot, scotch bonnet and goatsweed pepppers.

When I compare the two pictures I feel like I should be trying to spot the differences

I knew the storm was coming and well, shucks, I thought of the hot pepper members, so I took the picture on Monday at 12:30pm and said, lets try and take the same picture Tuesday after the storm of approximately the same position. The deck had a lot of snow, which I didn't clear off, so I tried to remember the approximate same position in which I took the first picture, the day before, yes, for the exact comparison for the members to see if they could spot the differences.
Wow it's amazing how so many people can live in an area with such harsh weather. To think I was a bit upset that the weekend would include some light rain and I wouldn't be able to play volleyball on the beach and get some surfing in this weekend.
the snow just quit this afternoon, after 4 days, the bus did pick the girls up yesterday but not until 9am, today at 9:15am, after an hour of standing and waiting for the bus in -15C/6F temperatures I took my poor frozen complaining girls home and warmed them with hot coco, a marshmellow and some coolwhip - they were then silent.

people learn to play in the snow: toboganning, skating, snowboarding, outdoor hockey, snowfort building - of course old farts like myself just shovel the stuff and scrape the ice and snow off the car, then I look to see which neighbours are older than myself and I shovel their side walks.

my dad's favourite thing was his snowblower, he always had to have the newest, the biggest, the best snowblower, then look out, he would clear out the entire neighbourhood, he would spend hours outside blowing the stuff away. Now that I think back, when he came inside, he would fix himself a shot of whiskey - now I get it!