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Today's Hot Harvest

After the sucess of the cayenne peppers yesterday, I decided it was time to check the rest of them. Glad I did.

Top left is my mix of Bolivian Rainbows, Firecrackers, and Goldlen nuggets. The next bag is a bunch of Thai Hots, Then 3 bags of Serranos. I love Serrano peppers too :)
Then my ghosts, Habaneros, Jamaican, a couple mystery peppers,Peter peppers and random red chilis.

Here's my Jalapenos and Hot bananas. Also the fine cayenne powder I made from yesterday's harvest.

It's been a fun day!

Going to have to invest in more efficient means of collecting my harvest and a pocket full of ziploc bags :)
I had to use electrical tape on my grinder. They seem to have small vents so the aroma fills the room. Not so good when grinding Hots instead of coffee. Sweet harvest.
No, the Peter's aren't fully ripe there, but I pulled a few that had been curling under and I wanted to pick a few simply for appearance sake.

I know that aroma you speak of. Everytime I pull the cap of mine when I'm finished or checking how ground up they are, I have to been veeery careful. It can get ugly.
I have been known to stuff both nostrils with tissue to prevent nasal breathing while grinding. My kids say it looks funny, but I say they look funny sneezing and crying. Lol
What I did with the cayennes, especially the crimson torpedo varieties was slice them down the middle to expose the insides. Then I took a nap and went to work. When I got home they were pretty much ready but I let them go a little bit longer. The total drying process was about 12-14 hours or so. I used a knife down the walls to get most of the seeds out, plopped as many as I could fit into the grinder, ran it for a second, added more, ran it and so on til they all fit inside.

My dehydrator only has 1 rack since the others experienced a tragic death last year while making jerkey, so I have to do everything as quickly as possible if I want good amounts of seasoning.
Great harvest you got there. Looks like youll be eating good and hot for a few days! Nice looking peppers. You find out what any of the mysteries were?
Not sure what 2 of them are. The 2 green ones under the Jamaican hots are mysteries to me. The second resembles a deformed Tasmanian Hab, but it looks more like a space ship...

The other resembles NOTHING that I planted this year. I'd put better pictures of them up but my camera hates the darkness, being a cellphone camera and all.
A damp cloth placed over the coffee grinder will help control the powder and fumes. Let the dust settle before opening it. Best place to grind peppers is outside.