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Tomato problems

Started some seeds for fun since it's too early for that where I live. One of my tomato plants doesn't look healthy, it has yellowing in between the veins, the leaves are turning purple underneath and the leaves are drooping a little. Lights on all day, and I 'possibly' may have over watered it which may account for the drooping, but not too much. Any ideas?


The purpling is normal and nothing to worry about.  I would say a good 50% of my tomato seedlings/plants end up with some purple on them during their life (start about 250 a year).   They don't seem to be drooping too much, I would just let things get a little dryer before you water again.  It is pretty obvious when they need a drink.
Thanks you guys, that's what I figured. Iv'e never started tomatoes before so I'm not used to purple under leaves like that, its normal though?
poypoyking said:
The purpling is normal and nothing to worry about.  I would say a good 50% of my tomato seedlings/plants end up with some purple on them during their life (start about 250 a year).   They don't seem to be drooping too much, I would just let things get a little dryer before you water again.  It is pretty obvious when they need a drink.
Brain Strain Pepper Head said:
Looks too wet. Let em dry then water.
What they said. They are also at a point in growth where you can start feeding them a very diluted fertilizer. I use fish emulsion at a strenght of 25% about every 10 days at that point in growth. Let them dry out between waterings, they'll tell you when they need water, tomatoes and peppers are very resilient. 
Your plant looks quite normal.  Like they said, the overwatering can cause the yellowing.  Should be time to start the weak fertilizer.  You'll probably have to transplant to a larger pot before too long.  Tomatoes grow much faster than peppers.  Much faster.
Looking OK. I planted 30 cherry tomato seeds outside last year, and 30 inside. I had 100% germination. I was giving plants away to all my neighbors. Everyone loved them. My 4 tomato plants I kept are on their second season. I'm trying to clone them now with aquaponics. The ones inside were started on a heating mat. They sprouted in about 3 days. Outside ones took about 10 days. Now if I could just get my Avocado trees to grow faster.

I would maybe move them to a 1/4 or 1/2 gallon container before the roots get balled up. Tomato roots can grow to over 9 feet long on a mature plant.